education and womens intel takeover of metaverse is leaping ahead

women training kind and helpful AI shaping metaverse design by Jeanne Lim HK

breaking UN egov rankings by recognised nations and top 20 service audit in places who love citizen empowerment 

Millennials sightings of Abed's top 10 Cooperation Platforms of Digital Women Empowerment
AM4.6 Abed and Yidan Luminaries- crossfunctional support of Educational transformation Hong Kong & Stanford
AM 5.5 Global Village Adaptation Environmental Codes : Netherland's & Codes Graduates UN Envoy surveying G20 Indonesia and India - see Twitter of 50 countries most recent audiences with UN envoy see 17 streams including goal 4 women-led SDG soluution networks Los Angeles/Teens/Xprize/Geneva ITU SDG Metaverse Prize -

2016 edtech revolution led by world bank's Jim Kim became digital c...and digital capacity building linked to Geneva's ITU Global Connectivity and AIforGood; the idea to question every practice that multilaterals 1945 aimed to unite peoples around the 4 cornerstones: public good safety/trust, rights at and across borders, inclusion inside borders.

6 year on we have envoy office integrated into Guterres headquarters offices in NY (we have links to the 14 UNU coleges and theirr annual science conference now twinned UNGA version building UN youth envoys as equal voice to elders at UN and preparation of UNsummitfuture 22-24
and UN  is awarding biannual egov rankings with amazing leaps by places like Mongolia co-hosts of UN envoy #GlobalDigital2022
======================================= led by NY's  Team Vriti
world's first dao for ed3:::: dao's first gift to education for metaversians conference nov 2022- early speaker confirmations:----

ed3 conference sponsors include


Education Data 101 - Data Quality CampaignSpeakers

washington DC Education Data 101 - Data Quality Campaign

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my common alumni connections

with NY's Vriti saraf  Roy C. Vella, Bryan Alexander, and 8 others


6:00 - 6:30pm ET


Kickoff: What is Web3 and Why Does It Matter in Education?

Join the founders of Ed3 DAO in kicking off this historic conference. We’ll talk a bit about the evolution of the web, the evolution of education, and why web3 is going to change everything.

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 1

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6:30 - 6:45pm ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!

6:45 - 7:15pm ET


The Internet of Education

The Learning Economy Foundation (LEF) is working on global infrastructure with a wide range of partners like MIT, W3C, LEGO Foundation, The World Bank, UNESCO, and many others.

Digital Promise is a global nonprofit working with educators, researchers, technology leaders, and communities to design, investigate, and scale up innovations that empower learners, especially those who’ve been historically and systematically excluded.

This session will explore big ideas and bleeding edge technology like the Internet of Education, LearnCard, Verifiable Credentials, Decentralized Identity, and new models for bringing agency and opportunity to every human on earth.

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 2

6:45 - 7:15pm ET


Landscape of Venture Backed Web3 Edtech

Billions of dollars have been invested in web3 while smaller amounts have been invested in edtech.

What is the intersection of this and how will EdTech be impacted by web3?

Will web3 EdTech be the next frontier of investment?

What does this mean for education as an industry?

What does the landscape of venture-backed web3 EdTech look like?

Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 3

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7:15 - 7:30pm ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 1

The Value of Non-Transferrable Tokens in Education

An NTT, or a non-transferrable token allows individuals to earn a token and attach it to their wallet address or decentralized identity. It cannot be given to anyone else. Imagine the possibilities for the use of this type of token in education from badges, to transcripts, to portfolio work! We'll talk about the benefits and drawbacks of NTTs and how they will impact education.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 1

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 2

Have You Heard of Web3?

Having trouble explaining blockchain, NFTs, and crypto to your colleagues? These emerging technologies can be confusing for teachers who have spend the last two years just trying to manage post-pandemic challenges. This session has been designed to help onboard your educator friends into web3 using simple to understand mental models and use cases. I will take you through the key components of web3 that will transform society and education and cover the future ready skills that are essential for engaging with this transformation.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 2

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 3

Education and Your Digital Identity

Autodidacts and self-taught learners have always enjoyed the Internet as a learning environment. However, many times, when looking for work, they are not taken seriously due to lack of "formal" education.

With technology like blockchain and SBTs/NTTs (as well as DiDS and VCs) the online learner can now verify their online learnings and navigate the digital environment with transparency and honesty.

Luis, founder of, will share how these can be implemented in the Web3 space as well as Web2 as a way for onboarding new users in a less risky manner.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 3

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 4

School Counselors and Web3

Web3 is a new term that is being discussed in world, national, and state news. New legislation is being introduced because of Web3. Do you know what Web3 is and how it will impact the profession of school counseling? This session will not only address how Web3 will impact the professional of school counseling, but strategies to prepare for this technological change will also be discussed. Participants will also examine how being knowledgeable about Web3 will help promote and enhance students’ career outcomes.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 4

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 5

The Emerging Literacies of Web3

The New Literacy Studies (NLS) opposed the traditional literacy discipline that defines literacy as a mental state and mental processes and introduced a new way of studying it: a way that includes social, cultural, historical, and institutional context in addition to the cognitive one. From this perspective, learning is not a solo activity but a social practice. Today each digital tool introduces a new way of making meaning and learning, therefore, comes with its own literacy. Web2-based tools changed the balance of consuming and producing media, organizing groups without needing an institutional player. One step forward, web3 introducing a new way of organizing groups based on incentives, tokenomics and more. Just like web2 did to media, web3 will change how we interact with each other and institutions.

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I study financial literacies of blockchain at UCSB while growing my consulting business Makes2 Media.

Also, I regularly contribute to the DAOs l love: Ed3 & Odyssey and CCS.Previously, I founded a media agency Verne Media (serving clients from all over the world 1, 2 and 3), and created an award-winning biz education program "t-MBA" receiving thousands of learners in 6 different countries.

Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 5

Learning Lab 6

How Learn to Earn can Empower Students

Learn how blockchain can empower students to fund their future. I'm Principal Rahh, founder of k12 crypto, the first crypto enabled student incentive platform. I'll talk about how crypto and tokenomics can incentivize student learning.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 6

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 7

Getting our Students Metaverse Ready

The growing interest around the Metaverse has spread to education but schools and teachers are confused about how they can address something that isn’t easy to define. In this Edtalk, I share my journey understanding the Metaverse and how I am then developing experiences for my students right now with the aim of preparing them for this (not quite clear) future.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 7

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 8

Creating Immersive Learning Envrionments

Explore a variety of free, open source tools you can use in your classroom with your learners to create immersive 3D learning environments.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 8

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 9

The Blockchain and Nature of Science Credentials

The use of the blockchain in combination with micro-credentials to create student digital portfolios of learning, based on the nature of science competencies of the New Zealand curriculum.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 9

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 10

What Would You Put in Your Teacher Wallet?

Educators are required to obtain a professional license to demonstrate their qualifications to teach in classroom settings. These licenses are made up of many different credentials including post-secondary degrees, formal assessments, and continuing professional learning. Verifiable credentials and NFTs open a world of possibilities for the kinds of information teachers may store in a digital wallet. In this session we'll review the work completed thus far and consider what else educators might need in their wallets.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 10

7:30 - 8:30 pm ET

NFT Artist Workshop

Canvas to NFT

From inspiration to composition to creating a generative or a 1-1 NFT collection. This session is ideal for beginners. Perhaps you have an idea but don't know how to transform it into an NFT, or you're going through an artist block, or you're just curious on how the process works. How to create art that's unique and stands out in the space? I'll be sharing my journey, the ups and downs of creating NFT art, as well as answering questions.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 1

8:30 - 8:45 pm ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!

8:45 - 9:30 pm ET

Mastermind 1

Do Androids Dream of Electric Essays? AI and the Future of Writing

When Artificially Intelligent writing apps can generate near-human-level texts, we have to question the kinds of writing we make our students complete in the classroom. Students are already using AI writers and "spinners" to game the essay system. It's time we reconsider the purpose of writing in education: expressing and celebrating human creativity.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 1

8:30 - 9:30 pm ET

Mastermind 2

What Students Need to Learn from Web3

Join Dr. Muhsinah Morris, Dr. Temanté Leary, Kai Frazier and Murewa Olubela in a session that delves into providing a roadmap for students, and their parents, to leverage the increasing opportunities emerging technologies create. Education, in general, is evolving. As such, it's imperative we provide students with opportunities to gain tangible, transferable skills for workforce transition.

With immersive technologies, for example, students can build spaces they want to see, undergo scenarios someone in their chosen profession will undergo on a daily basis, and learn through friendly competition. And the particulars of Web3 result in students picking up skills that bolster their mental and financial health. For example, students who learn about NFTs, Cryptos, DAOs, etc. get to pick up fundamentals about intellectual property, a constantly evolving field.

Today, there are different pathways to success and learning opportunities might not necessarily look like a formal 4-year degree. How do we then set up the classroom to meet the needs of ALL learners?

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 2

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8:45 - 9:30 pm ET

Mastermind 3

Credentialing Hyperstition: Manifesting Recognition Ecosystem

- From Digital Credentials to Open Recognition: "Recognition preceds Cognition - Alex Honneth"
- Mental models for traversing the credentialing conundrum: L0 (Identity) - L1 (Credentials) -L2 (Reputation)
- Credential Fluidity vs Skills Currency
- Open Badges, the OG of modern recognition technologies
- Soulful, Soulbound, Smart: (Programmable) Verifiable Credentials and SoulBound Tokens
- Of Micro-credentials and Nano-credentials
- From Egosystems to Ecosystems: the infinite game of interoperability

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 3

8:45 - 9:30 pm ET

Mastermind 4

Unlocking Use Cases for NFTs

What are some real use-cases for NFTs and other web3 mechanics as a catalyst for learning? This session will showcase the journey of Invisible College and how they have leveraged some of these mechanics to give learners and educators more tools to capture learner's attention.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 4


9:30 - 10:30 pm ET


Metaverse Lovers & Builders

Meet an eclectic group of educators, builders, learners, and explorers interested in metaverse environments. This networking experience is facilitated by Vedx.


Location: Ed3verse Networking Lounge

9:30 - 10:30 pm ET

Web3 & Edu Project Expo

Builders, Innovators, & Projects

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Location: Ed3verse Main Piazza

Explore the project area in the main Ed3verse environment. Meet with founders, builders, and innovators who are pushing the limits of web3 and education. Choose where you want to go and who you want to talk to!

9:30 - 10:30 pm ET

Gaming & Exploration

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Explore our play spaces and solve puzzles, mazes, and engage in collaborative games with colleagues! You may find a few secret spots and immersive experiences if you look closely! We also have an NFT gallery you can check out!

If you are able to find all the *heart shaped icons* and enter your name in the activated form, you will have a chance to win an Ed3 NFT!


10:00 - 10:30 am ET


Building a Web3 Center for Excellence in Higher Education

Web3 has the potential to change the way higher education and learning operates. Will universities be able to catch up? In this session, CIO & VP of Fordham University will discuss the mechanics of building a web3 Center for Excellence at the university level. 

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 1

10:30 - 10:45 am ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!

10:45 - 11:15 am ET


The Crypto Renaissance for Education: Web3 as Recreation Ad Fontes

Crypto is a show we’ve seen before - and it’s absolutely epic. At the last Renaissance, communities recreated their world. They transformed their medieval world into the modern world that we know today. Everyday people set up wallets for double-entry bookkeeping and created a proto capitalism. They smashed the like button on the printing press, shared revolutionary ideas, and generated a market for media, and learning, at scale. Early adopters didn’t buy their way into the culture. They used weird-looking techno-art to redefine what was valuable, what had meaning in the universe, and the nature of work, learning, and reality.

History may not repeat, but it rhymes. Their ledger-based finance is our cryptocurrencies. Their printing press, our Web3. We’re early, and the gut-wrenching volatility is a leading indicator that the change matters. These changes tend to follow a pattern, first finance, then art and identity, followed by work, education, and, ultimately new worlds - meta and IRL. The change is slow, then already done. For education, that means learning out loud about how to use the new tools, interacting with communities and their improvement initiatives as curriculum, and learning how to bet on oneself and one’s students in new economic models. At the last Renaissance, communities embraced a new type of social coordination to recreate the nature of learning itself. Rarely do you get a chance to do the same. It’s an epic opportunity. Make the most of it.

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 2

10:45 - 11:15 am ET


What if You Could Build a City from Scratch?

City DAO bought a plot of land in Wyoming to build a new city - one that uses web3 and the concepts of self-organization and regenerative systems to reimagine living and learning. In this session, they will talk through some of the decisions they are grappling with including reimagining a new school system for their citizens.

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 3

11:15 - 11:30 am ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!


11:30 - 12:15 pm ET

Mastermind 1

Using Tokens and NFTs to Build a Strong Community

New blockchain powered technologies like NFTs and social tokens provide innovative ways to build communities, incentivize educators, and power co-creation and co-ownership models.
This session will showcase a variety of tactics these technologies provide and will feature numerous existing case studies and potential new models.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 1

11:30 - 12:15 pm ET

Mastermind 2

Crypto-Native Learning: Use Cases Beyond Credentials

Increasingly, use cases for the emerging “edu3” space rely on verifiable credentials (Vc’s), decentralized identifiers (DID’s), and other variants of on-chain resumes. We will explore through dialogue what other applications exist, and why these credential-orientated use cases might stunt the collective imagination for what the future of learning could look like.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 2

11:30 - 12:15 pm ET

Mastermind 3

Amplifying UN Sustainable Goals (SDGs) with Web3

Today's grand challenges will not be solved by one discipline alone. But if integrated, the knowledge, methods, and expertise from across Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics can be levered to address complex social and environmental problems.

Join us for this Roundtable community discussion that explores ways to foster collaboration by leveraging published journal research and broadening impacts to deepen community involvement across disciplines to solve specific and compelling social problems.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 3

11:30 - 12:15 pm ET

Mastermind 4

Counseling The Future: Legal Topics in the Metaverse

This superstar panel will dive into legal issues touching Web3 and the Metaverse, including intellectual property, virtual assets, regulation of conduct, and other legal areas triggered by metaverse projects.

Panelists span from web3 organizations to law firms. All have been specializing in web3 use cases and how the legalities around certain transactions are impacting individuals and organizations.

This session does not constitute legal advice.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 4

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12:15 - 4:00 pm ET


Self - Organized Sessions in Ed3DAO City

The remainder of this day will be self-organized by participants using an open form and an open city. Participants are encouraged to host meet-ups based on interests, info sessions about their projects or products, brainstorming sessions, networking sessions, or even collaborative gaming. More information on how to create and sign up for sessions, coming soon.


Location: Ed3verse Ed3DAO City

10:00 - 10:30 am ET


Solving big problems with learning, earning, and living

How can web3 drive open ecosystem of learning, workplace degrees, and thriving democracies and livelihood? Join Getting Smart's Nate McClellan in this insightful dive into the future.

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 1

10:30 - 10:45 am ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!

10:45 - 11:15 am ET


Building Web3 Communities for Diverse Members

Web3 has thrived on the power of bringing individuals together to support a project from both human and fiscal capital. But great communities are really difficult to build. In order to ensure community members are fully engaged, different learning styles and ways of knowing need to be taken into account.

Just like classrooms, communities need thoughtful planning and execution. Join the founder of Hug, and three major community builders from successful NFT projects including BFF & Flooz, in talking through best tips and strategies!

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 2

10:45 - 11:15 am ET


The inequity of grades & the power of credentials

Traditional letter grades are inaccurate and inequitable. Mastery learning at the scale of the internet requires technical standards and digital wallet applications. Join us in discovering this global movement and learning about how education can dismantle the traditional grading systems and replace them with things that actually matter for students.

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Location: Youtube & Ed3verse Edtalk Hall 3

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11:15 - 11:30 am ET


Learning Lab 1

Making Web3 Work for Workforce Education

Web3 technologies and the metaverse offer new opportunities for workforce education: the possibility for engaging, immersive, and individualized online learning experiences available to learners anywhere in the world. Workplaces and educators must not only advance to keep pace with new technology, they should take an active role in co-constructing metaverse spaces to ensure that educational opportunities remain equitable, effective, and human-centered.

In this talk, speakers Kaylee Brown of Pearson Labs in the Workforce Skills division at Pearson, Dr. Micah Shipee, Director of Education Technology Solutions and Solutions at Samsung America, and Dr. Sara Smith, CEO/Co-Founder MARVL, will discuss various new opportunities for imaginative, immersive workforce education. These include virtual onboarding, simulations and scenario-based training, collaboration across geographic locations, blended training opportunities for low-stakes practice, upskilling, and adding digital enhancements to real world training via AR.

We will also describe some challenges to creating experiences for the metaverse. As we construct a globally connected, immersive, real-time online learning space, we need researchers, educators, and current and future students to have a voice in shaping the future of workforce education with AR/VR experiences. We suggest that successful workplace training in the metaverse should be anchored in real human social interaction experiences, even as learners navigate virtual spaces. We will brainstorm with the audience ways that learner agency can be supported, how to get stakeholder buy in, how to create experiences that appeal to the older learners as well as the younger, and how to design workforce education opportunities with a true mission for diversity in representation and access.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 1

Learning Lab 2

Real World Assets on Chain

Traditional Finance offers a multitude of ways to leverage assets such as real estate, accounts payable, debt positions, and Equities, what would happen if we could unlock this massive store of value on chain? With Maker DAO's recent 100 million DAI credit facility for Huntingdon Valley Bank the world of using trad-fi assets on chain is now a reality.

With a variety of startups (like Milo and Tinlake), protocols (like Maker and Aave) , and new DAOs are bridging these assets on chain. Learn about the what's happening in the on chain RWA (real world asset) space and see you and your organization can leverage these tools to bring new collateral to the defi space.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 2

Learning Lab 3

Design, Modeling and Building NFTs to Build Future Student Entrepreneurs

In today's classrooms there are business owners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries in education and industry. The classroom must pivot so our students can see their opportunities to apply digital learning to build their futures. NFTs have the capability to shape and build students into future entrepreneurs, let's have fun and do it!!

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 3

Learning Lab 4

Level Up ⬆️ : Design Immersive Learning in Virtual Worlds

Take immersive learning to a whole new level by creating your own free virtual world where students are engaged, active and having fun while learning with their avatar. Participants will review the k20 Global Virtual World Building Think Tank Fellowship research, tips, and map templates for education.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 4

Learning Lab 5

A Philosophy of Technology and Education in the Metaverse

Experience and education in the metaverse is, without fail, mediated by technology at some point. As we move further into a pervasive and ubiquitous metaversal landscape, it is crucial we consider these experiences as experiences, filters, and knowledge-generating moments in time that, while virtual, have real-world impacts. In this session, Dr. Ryan Straight, honors professor and lab director in the University of Arizona's College of Applied Science and Technology, will discuss the ways in which understanding these mediations leads to better teaching, better learning, and a more equitable experience for all.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 5


Learning Lab 6

Leveraging the Metaverse to help youth navigate the social pitfalls of technology usage

Sparked by a research study on the impact of technology on the social and emotional development of children and adolescents, we propose that meeting youth where they already are with a collaborative approach is the key to successful learning.

Followed by conversation and discussion about how Web3 enables a new kind of dynamic, self-directed learning that empowers students to develop healthier technology habits.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 6

Learning Lab 7

Learners as Teachers: Scaling Learning Through a Decentralized Education Protocol

The growing interest around the Metaverse has spread to education but schools and teachers are confused about how they can address something that isn’t easy to define. In this Edtalk, I share my journey understanding the Metaverse and how I am then developing experiences for my students right now with the aim of preparing them for this (not quite clear) future.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 7

Learning Lab 8

Decentralized Ethics in Education

Within this session, I will be exploring the question of how we should treat each other in decentralized educational spaces. While this may seem like a simple question, the lack of hierarchy and horizontal nature of the Ed3 space can be confusing to both educators and students alike, and can leave many feeling uncomfortable and confused.

I will be using ideas from the field of ethics and philosophy to help tackle this topic. In particular, this session will cover ideas of autonomy, liberty, and deontology to explore how a new social contract can be built to support this contemporary wave of decentralized education.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 8

11:30 - 12:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 9

Empowering Students as Positive Digital Changemakers

With the right guidance and support, students of all ages can learn to use digital for good. In this session, you'll hear from an educator and web3 advocate on how we can empower students to protect themselves, stand up for their peers, and become positive digital changemakers. Learn about strategies and activities for engaging students, staff, and parents to create a more positive culture and learning environment both on and offline.

Co-presented by the Co-founder and Board President of #ICANHELP, an organization that has trained 470,000+ students to respond to online negativity and manage their online presence which decreases instances of cyberbullying and lowers the number of discipline issues related to social media on campus.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 9

11:30 - 12:30 pm ET

Learning Lab 10

Future of Learning & Responsible Metaverse

Web interactions are becoming more distributed and autonomous, powered by AI. As Artificial Intelligence is such a large component of the future of the Internet, how learners and educators handle their AI applications is more important than ever. How can we ensure that we are navigating the future of learning responsibly? In this talk, Didem Un Ates will share her journey and perspective on the future of learning, how Microsoft has approached the Responsible AI (and Metaverse) question, and considerations for institutions embarking on their Web3.0 and Metaverse journeys.

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Location: Ed3verse Learning Lab Room 10

12:30 - 12:45 pm ET


Enjoy a break in the ed3verse or IRL!

12:45 - 1:30 pm ET

Mastermind 1

Learning DAOs & Building Liberal Arts for Crypto

Doing deep work beyond crypto's technical problems is table stakes for web3's ethos & outcomes. If blockchains really are to solve global coordination problems, we can't wait until the technology is mature to investigate the anthropological, philosophical, political, and psychological implications. Learning from this mistake in web2's deployment is mission critical. And the advent of DAOs means we don't have to wait for the permission of calcified, incumbent academic institutions to get started. How can we build digital communities to frontrun these intellectual challenges? Are the unique properties of DAOs potentially better vehicles for critical thought at the bleeding edge? If there's even a small probability we're onto something, the public good possible makes it an ethical compunction we try.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 1

12:45 - 1:30 pm ET

Mastermind 2

How Web3 is Impacting Fashion & Art

From Gucci's NFTs to Beeple's $69 million sale, web3 is impacting fashion and art in more ways than we expected.

Having been immersed in this world for the last few years, Ashira, Taylor, & Zoe will discuss the trends and future of web3 in these creative industries.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 2

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12:45 - 1:30 pm ET

Mastermind 3

Web3's Long-Term Impact on Higher Education

Web3's impact on Higher Education will only increase over time. From credentialing to decentralized funding models, to decentralized identities, web3 will forever change how we learn in college & beyond.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 3

12:45 - 1:30 pm ET

Mastermind 4

Practical Validated Skills Required for High School Graduation

Increasingly common core education is failing the needs of the learner, future employers and the advancement of our societies. Young adults need practical validated skills before they graduate, and many states are soon to make it a requirement for graduation.

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Location: Ed3verse Mastermind Club 4


1:30 - 2:30 pm ET


NFTs, NTTs, & Tokenomics

Meet an eclectic group of educators, builders, learners, and explorers interested in fungible and non-fungible tokens. This networking experience is facilitated by Ed3 DAO.

Location: Ed3verse Networking Cafe

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1:30 - 2:30 pm ET

Networking & Idealab

Web3 Ideas & Pitches

Pitch web3 projects and ideas and get feedback from your peers. Wild ideas welcome! This networking experience is facilitated by Ed3DAO.


Location: Ed3verse Networking Lounge

1:30 - 2:30 pm ET

Web3 & Edu Project Expo

Builders, Innovators, & Projects

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Location: Ed3verse Main Piazza

Explore the project area in the main Ed3verse environment. Meet with founders, builders, and innovators who are pushing the limits of web3 and education. Choose where you want to go and who you want to talk to!

1:30 - 2:30 pm ET

Gaming & Exploration

Choose Your Own Adventure!

Explore our play spaces and solve puzzles, mazes, and engage in collaborative games with colleagues! You may find a few secret spots and immersive experiences if you look closely! We also have an NFT gallery you can check out!

If you are able to find all the *heart shaped icons* and enter your name in the activated form, you will have a chance to win an Ed3 NFT!


Location: Ed3verse Play Spaces & NFT Gallery

HGSE Convening – Education and Climate Action Dear Dr Monica Goldson ..
Would it be practical to meet a member of you team to check Diary of various cooperation opportunities?
I live in Bethesda and carry on my father's work with von Neumann's family begun journalistically in 1951! and through The Economist; our genre Entrepreneurial Revolution, was expanded since 1978 out of Arlington by Bill Drayton : our data and relationship systems mapping why only edtech, servant leadership and livelihood/skills cooperations across communities can empower 21st C youth to be first sustainable generation. Next year, Glasgow Adam Smith scholars and I aim to publish the last of 40 years of 2025reports - started in 1984 on sustainability entrepreneurship and worldwide youth friendship exchanges including cross cultural emotional intelligence and who youth  mobilise celebration round in arts, music, fashions and sports. I am also a huge fan of the original Thurgood Marshall communities in Baltimore championed by the redoutable Rev Al Hathaway. His pre-school is a model to benchmark anywhere.  Montessori innovations fascinate me including 90 days that end illiteracy by friend Sunita Gandhi
In Maryland I am one of the first members of the 6000 prospective changeteacher helping prepare education in the metaverse age - Ed3 Unconference | Ed3DAO led by Vriti Saraf
 - next summit nov 11-13; 
NY creative agencies and I try to help connect other community to community movements such as Hong Kong's which I visited earlier this month;  aiming to value kindness and women empowerment; thus to mobilise meta-reality of community building everywhere  through the team who first connected the United Nations with the humanoid Sophia
 Since doing research for Unilever Indonesia 1982 my professional work as statistician focused on media and corporate brand leadership/platform valuation has connected womens' markets and purpose east-west through 60 trips to Asia including 16 to Bangladesh started by the Japanese Embassy to listen to Bangladesh's master educator and women empowerment cooperation leader Fazle Abed
I was at the 2016 UN meeting (first annual review of SDG4) when educators and the World Bank's Jim Kim started what is now Guterres Un2.0  Tech Envoy roadmapping and egov rankings tables ; this movement twinned with Geneva's ITU and the new year round schools competition has  been pivotal in both UNGA year of reviewing education purpose and Guterres next 2 years of increasing youth voiced social actions and scientific exploration in UN futures ; a main UN philanthropist celebrating Abed's legacy is George Soros whose investments in education are uniting hundreds of climate teach-ins every march- ArcGIS Dashboards  i was one of the maryland hosts last march; I know the Attenborough family and their BBC produeer and the Sainsbury family who run now King Charles green-society networks eg  ;and since 2008 my Glasgow friends have been linking in Smith scholars and student unions to relevant events including cop26
sincerely chris macrae Linkedin UNwomens Bethesda +1 240 316 8157
ps Soros networks are  connected with long term investments with bard college including its partnership with tufts talloires in boston and the Botstein musical (and Jeffersons Children) family a member of whom Clara connects education in DC; my understanding is a maryland teacher won the last million dollar teacher prize which also connects with T4 education which just hosted last week's 5 prizes for world's best school benchmarks



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survey 1of child centric education

My dream: everyone experiences Harrison Owen OpenSpace After%20the%20Rage.pdf

IF SCHOOLS were child centric they would make age relevant interventions:

if anyone is illiterate at age 6 it only takes 90 days to change that - best of all a literate kid can be main helper in 20 minute session - see sunita gandhi

finacial literacy would be practicsed from age 8 - see aflatoun ( works in 100 countries

from age 10 pre-teens would have access to pfysical and mental health studies designed peer to peer -see Lancet

no kid would leave primary school without knowing how open space meetings/teamwork is facilitated

teachers would be celebrated for clarifying which skills involve experiential learning not classroom examination - while there is some recognition that music and sports involve practice, its shocking that coding isnt valued this way ..


Do you have life-changing moment to share? - what was it and what did you think or do differently after it?

example until 9/11, i assumed that (good) futures are happening somewhere in the world and would be searched out so that all could communally replicate them;  === 9/11 caused me to question whether global connectivity will give us time to find sustainable solutions for our kids- i became particulaly interested in places where good education leaps appeared but did not get app'd the world over - one example actually goes back to my favorite 1990s advances in schools that a small cliuster of new zealand schools pioneered - download it here

i welcome discussion of this book's parts at any time rsvp if you have a solution every community that develops youth could be cooperational

in 1984our book with economist editors 2025report made the case for 40 year commitment to every child identifying own skils dashboard and maximising AI curation of this- we valued this as sustainability critical worldwide cooperation - we see no logic for changing this concern

== we live in an age where most up to half of knowhow of techforgood changes every 3 years - we needed mindsets for exploration not for being standard examined; a nation that makes its college students its largest debt class is likely to collapse economically socially environmentally if web3 is designed for celebrating sustainability cooperation; and if web3 is not designed for neough yout to linkin the first sustainability generation then we are all heading the way of the dodo

I am learn to learn  

TECH - What is IT? and which exponential multipliers most impact human and natural futures?

AI   >. silicon chip singularity (ie when one chip > one brain in pure analytical capacity) - science fictiion no moore

who programs the ai - the race to include lost voices eg girls- the world of statistics re=-examined like never before (eg previously mass statistics very weak at coding meaining from numbers)

Biotech  >> Affective science (loveq and emotional intelligence remains human's unique edge over artificials for at least 10 more years!)

Some people say that Virtual or Augmented Reality has advanced at its best so far in last 12 months that there are hardly any qualified teachers only pioneering explorers- does this matter - well its VR which is your gateway to web3 - intead of just a mobile device you will like wear  a visual sensor system; equally others argue that you shouldnt worry about how fast you put googles on - what you should want is to take back ownbership of what you spend time creating virually- look at the small print of the big platforms you probably dont own anything without them..maybe this is a generation issue bu interstingly the met-generation can now work on chnaging anything that old systems are destroying (eg climate) ...t 

 IOT which things will now have brains and be as mobile connected as you are

Crypto - can communities celebrate financiang their own most urgent sustainability cooperations? if they dont who wil?

Cyber >> Drone - opportunities and threats of public spaces- first in spaces like the arctic circle if we dont use drones we will get no warning before the big meltdown

-the mkist memorable western campus event i attended in 2010s was tufts colllaboratory summit convened mainly by arctic circle youth under 25; 

one of the main debates how to help teachers in arctic circle schools empower their students to use virtual reality to visit other arctic circles schools communities; many of the changes and solutions are analogous; I am reminded by educators leading the compilation of virtual realty libraries of the DICE acronym - a reen might want to do something dangerous like climb everest, why not VR simulate that? there are impossible things a trainee doctor will never be able to travel inside a humans gut but that can be VR'd; there are catastropghic simulations - you would rid the world of bees just to test if donald is wrong about nature being more powerful than he is, you can simulate it; or the future of smart tourism may be curation of what a community is proudest of being visited for - this way ecotourism, cultural appreciation exchanges can be twinned to maximise celebration of each other- and by the way friends of the tourist can join in virtually- of corse this raises a metaverse question - that Hong Kong is leading the world on

being 100% public - good and bad hacs- note context matters - context 1 smart city context 2 isolated vilalge no moore context 3 make a huge land safe at borders

3D printing aka additive engineering

Big Data Small by market tech sector Leapfrogging

Nano cf einstein - to innovate science model more micro


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