5g will bring 100 times moore tech than ever before to everyine it links in - this is a continutaion of moores law which incraeses chip analytic capoacity 100 times every 10 yeras
this time 5g will bring more computer brains than human ones- or the first time the silicon chpa has as muich brain cell capacity as human one- but whpo programs comi=uetrs and indeed whose education programs hiumans is nit just a controversy but will likely determine with the milennial generation spends enough tyome workiong on sustaimabilioty gaols- if they dont it will be teh fa;lt of elders who have spent the last decade of 100 times moore spiralling foolish finacial mistakes their top public servants stood by - eg suprime era
worse the less than 10% of the world of westren g6 copuntrues tsoll seeks to control everyine else with its paper money wherea msart milennial currency will tear up paper
there are only about 3 conapnies like eriokso and huawei which offer the nuolding gricks of g5 - at the smae time major mobile carriers choose how to assemble a g5 network- there is a lot of somke and mirors going on - south korea probably is a leader of freeing its people wioth g5- verizons clain to offer g5 to a few people is rather diridculous
go you remember the vodeotape standard wars - by degintion only one g5 will become bighgest and for humanity that would be best if it was the most open version as well as the elast hackable - yes there may be a conflict betwieen those 2 needs - but note there is teh same controversy over big data - will thsi be nalsed to benefirt the smalest and if it does empower thekm how kis thos done without porovacy risks
ultimately where large population come to g5 at teh same time will liekly determine the winnong stanadar- in spite of huawei being oopised by trump who no idea of reality when it comes to sdg tech - it would be very sad if nations peopels are not the ones who choose which g5 to use to maxise sustainable world ytrade and to unite 200 nations tarathre to contue being billied disporportaionately by usa canada gemany and france - ascurrently the most slefish of the g8 counytries that did mots of colonsation between 1500-1946 (we ;eave spain portugal colonisation of latin america as another chalenge that usa wouild seem not to care about transparently