curriculum 2 help bottom 3 billion win sdg races -techforsdgs edutech fintech - how humans value AI 5G IOT drones clouds bigdatasmall blockchain...

pls thank all involved for the great zoom update of legatum scholars 2019-20 last week- 
you may recall professor edward roberts -introduced to me by professor joanne yates -whose research on world's number 1 job creating unis fascinated me, first introduced us , i helped referee mit100k accelerator dev stage around 2011, as well as attended legatum convergences- i have cc'd some of the people i had dinner with and try to keep track of
as a cambridge ma in statistics, i was very interested in the maths keynote zoomed  to legatum scholars- and its debate of will bottom 3 billion entrepreneurs be most impacted if not by corona immediately, then exponentially by  interlocking value chains such as rise in food prices hitting the poorest and/or other health service mothers and infants need most being disrupted
would it be possible to book a telephone call or whats app with you ?
- i am +1 240 316 8157 for anyone mapping the following. i line near the national institutes of health at border of dc/md
the main emphasis of my family foundation since dad norman macrae the economist's sub editor of entrepreneurial revolution ie whether tech would value sdgs empowerment through every poorest community especially from east to west has been the last 10 years of the work and alumni of in our view the benchmark of rural keynes since my fathers coining of that start up genre 1977 the economist
i believe that if we can map how BRAC as the worlds largest ngo partnership needs to sustain its 4 main moving parts that will also inform many of the toughest questions asked by legatum graduates
when dad died the japan embassy in dhaka kindly hosted 2 evening roundtables - one on future of global university of poverty which fazle chaired and one on fintech chaired by kamal quadir who represents the bangladesh learning curve that soros and iqbal and legatum began with bangladesh villagers in 1994
in this sense the 4 prime orbits around brac worlds number 1 partnership of ngos are
B1 all 50 years work of in-village services which until iqbal brough village phones to bangladesh was all of brac's services
B2 the fintech revolution which the quadir family know and now partnered by gates and jack ma
B3 the international brac office- this handles all 12 international sections of brac including africa where soros-brc investments in sIerra leone and liberia fortunately prcded ebola and helped jim kim lead what were otherwise missing parts of ending ebola- netherlands also handles international remittances- in a normal year up to a third of foreign exchange earnings of the whole of bangladesh are remittances hence need to transparently value remittances for poorest supply chain
B4 the university partners- this is a pece i would love to discuss with you further after 8 years of tracking the good news is that the legacy of university partnering is being leg by george soros, leon botstein, and accidentally partners of ban-ki moon- i say accidentally as soros 30 year long uni CEU had to move from budapest to vienna at end of last year- 2 years ahead of that the former president o austria had invited ban ki moon to be the residEnt for 2 worldwide curricula - climate adaptability and youth as global frontline citizens
  • Maria Kozloski, CIO, IFC
  • Fiona Murray, Associate Dean of Innovation & Inclusion, MIT Sloan; Faculty Director, MIT Legatum Center
  • Sanjay Manandhar, Co-Founder & CTO, ISM Connect
  • Will Hurley, Founder & CEO, Strangeworks & Innovator in Residence, Legatum Center
  • John Michael Schert, Artist & Entrepreneur
  • Winston Chang, Creative Ideation Chief, Oasys International
  • Jay Kothari, Project Lead, Glass at X, The Moonshot Factory
  • Christopher Schroeder, Co-Founder, Next Billion Ventures
  • G. Nagesh Rao, Board Member, EnChroma

The purpose of the webinar is to think about healthcare systems and wellbeing in a post-Covid-19 world and discuss what actions should be taken now to bring about lasting systems change?

  • What are the innovations taking place in emerging markets?
  • Are these innovations the first steps toward systems change or are they band aids on the gaps in incumbent systems?

Join us for a conversation with:

Dina Sherif, Executive Director, Legatum Center for Development & Entrepreneurship; Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management

Dr. Samir Khleif, Biomedical Scholar and Professor, Georgetown University Medical School

Deb Gordon, author of The Health Care Consumer's Manifesto

Dr. Teddy Totimeh, Paedeatric Neurosurgeon, Accra, Ghana

Dr. Rafik Bedair, St. George's University Hospitals, London

Dr. Amr El Tayeb, Neurosurgeon & Founder, Smart Medical Services

Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka, Founder and CEO, Conservation Through Public Health

Javier Lozano, Legatum Fellow and Founder, Clinicas del Azucar, Mexico

Dr. Anatole Menon-Johansson, Legatum Fellow and Founder, SXT Health

so a lot is at the crossroads now- i have no interest in any single party but would like to see win-wins between al- my fathers work was first recognised abroad by japan emperor family and as i expect you know mits other bir middle east supporters include abdul latif which i know of as the toyota franchise of the middle east - in these next 6 months of elections of the g8 leaders i can understand the consistency of japans support for sdgs - to that extent i have a bias towards seeing japan and village women entrepreneurs lead anything washington dc whee i live will not do in 2020- but then lik you i am a diaspora scot- we had been planning huge fringe festival to cop 26 on 260th year of man-machine learning celebrating alumni of adam smith and james watt but like the olympics all that is up in the air
best to all-  chris macrae +1 240316 8157
ps one of the co-judges of mit100k was a grad of cairo university who has gone on to connect robotics out of boston - that could be very exciting not least because the female mayor of tokyo responsible for health and olympics operations is also a graduate of cairo and on gordon browns commision of 2 national leaders who believe in hg ewell bon mots civlisation is race between education and catastrophe


according to moores law- families on earth between 1965 and 2020 needed to plan for when your mobile device or any thing linked by 5G has more analytic brainpower than individual humans- each G decade 0G 1970s to 5G 2020s would multiply 100 more tech around engineering alumni of moore -his networking hubs were branded as silicon valley on us west coast in 1972

it is worth noting that even with 1960s tech kennedy could set 10000 youth networking goal of landing on the moon - so what other collaborations mission impossible can we the peoples map across nations of our children are to sustain generations- the four new application economies that emerged after world war 2 linked in around

digital computing von neumann - coding for the moon landing was done by MIT where mini computers were led by olnen until people like gates jobs case torvaulds and berners lee who moved from geneva to mit 

satellite and telecoms economies leading to mobile devices in 3G 200s but started a s race between russia and america in 1950s 

engienering infsrastructire and microe;lectronics economies started around deming alumn in japan and across asian east coastal belt island down toi singapore acroiss to s korea and from 1978 china mainland -these were where portable devies were made as well as where the infrastyructiures of a global economy where 90% is shiped, trained as well as partjnered through hundreds of just in tiem supply chains evolved

and the world's poorest mothers who grounded networks around life critical servoces - first with no access to electricity grids- this is where chinese and bangladesh women invented 10 times less costly health services round community services that raised life expectancy from 40 to 65 - while this remained 10 years below the most advanced west economies - it made markets for basic universal mother and children health 10 times more economic than the west- local food secirity and personal safety were all part of the miracle of womens rural keynes up to 1996 when these village mothers were able to enjoy the first partnership innovations with solar and mobile- anyone who doesnt know how this extraordinary economic transformation mapped form 1972 to 1996 isnt likely to be able to help youth be the sustainability generation

world leaders in 5g are huawei and nordica- if your place place is not alowed to experiment at community level with these real time sharing tech it wont lead innovation - it should howver keep searcing what green innovations are possible is supercities or global vilages that are sharing world lead in #digital cooperation

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survey 1of child centric education

My dream: everyone experiences Harrison Owen OpenSpace After%20the%20Rage.pdf

IF SCHOOLS were child centric they would make age relevant interventions:

if anyone is illiterate at age 6 it only takes 90 days to change that - best of all a literate kid can be main helper in 20 minute session - see sunita gandhi

finacial literacy would be practicsed from age 8 - see aflatoun ( works in 100 countries

from age 10 pre-teens would have access to pfysical and mental health studies designed peer to peer -see Lancet

no kid would leave primary school without knowing how open space meetings/teamwork is facilitated

teachers would be celebrated for clarifying which skills involve experiential learning not classroom examination - while there is some recognition that music and sports involve practice, its shocking that coding isnt valued this way ..


Do you have life-changing moment to share? - what was it and what did you think or do differently after it?

example until 9/11, i assumed that (good) futures are happening somewhere in the world and would be searched out so that all could communally replicate them;  === 9/11 caused me to question whether global connectivity will give us time to find sustainable solutions for our kids- i became particulaly interested in places where good education leaps appeared but did not get app'd the world over - one example actually goes back to my favorite 1990s advances in schools that a small cliuster of new zealand schools pioneered - download it here

i welcome discussion of this book's parts at any time rsvp if you have a solution every community that develops youth could be cooperational

in 1984our book with economist editors 2025report made the case for 40 year commitment to every child identifying own skils dashboard and maximising AI curation of this- we valued this as sustainability critical worldwide cooperation - we see no logic for changing this concern

== we live in an age where most up to half of knowhow of techforgood changes every 3 years - we needed mindsets for exploration not for being standard examined; a nation that makes its college students its largest debt class is likely to collapse economically socially environmentally if web3 is designed for celebrating sustainability cooperation; and if web3 is not designed for neough yout to linkin the first sustainability generation then we are all heading the way of the dodo

I am learn to learn  

TECH - What is IT? and which exponential multipliers most impact human and natural futures?

AI   >. silicon chip singularity (ie when one chip > one brain in pure analytical capacity) - science fictiion no moore

who programs the ai - the race to include lost voices eg girls- the world of statistics re=-examined like never before (eg previously mass statistics very weak at coding meaining from numbers)

Biotech  >> Affective science (loveq and emotional intelligence remains human's unique edge over artificials for at least 10 more years!)

Some people say that Virtual or Augmented Reality has advanced at its best so far in last 12 months that there are hardly any qualified teachers only pioneering explorers- does this matter - well its VR which is your gateway to web3 - intead of just a mobile device you will like wear  a visual sensor system; equally others argue that you shouldnt worry about how fast you put googles on - what you should want is to take back ownbership of what you spend time creating virually- look at the small print of the big platforms you probably dont own anything without them..maybe this is a generation issue bu interstingly the met-generation can now work on chnaging anything that old systems are destroying (eg climate) ...t 

 IOT which things will now have brains and be as mobile connected as you are

Crypto - can communities celebrate financiang their own most urgent sustainability cooperations? if they dont who wil?

Cyber >> Drone - opportunities and threats of public spaces- first in spaces like the arctic circle if we dont use drones we will get no warning before the big meltdown

-the mkist memorable western campus event i attended in 2010s was tufts colllaboratory summit convened mainly by arctic circle youth under 25; 

one of the main debates how to help teachers in arctic circle schools empower their students to use virtual reality to visit other arctic circles schools communities; many of the changes and solutions are analogous; I am reminded by educators leading the compilation of virtual realty libraries of the DICE acronym - a reen might want to do something dangerous like climb everest, why not VR simulate that? there are impossible things a trainee doctor will never be able to travel inside a humans gut but that can be VR'd; there are catastropghic simulations - you would rid the world of bees just to test if donald is wrong about nature being more powerful than he is, you can simulate it; or the future of smart tourism may be curation of what a community is proudest of being visited for - this way ecotourism, cultural appreciation exchanges can be twinned to maximise celebration of each other- and by the way friends of the tourist can join in virtually- of corse this raises a metaverse question - that Hong Kong is leading the world on

being 100% public - good and bad hacs- note context matters - context 1 smart city context 2 isolated vilalge no moore context 3 make a huge land safe at borders

3D printing aka additive engineering

Big Data Small by market tech sector Leapfrogging

Nano cf einstein - to innovate science model more micro


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