This introduction looks at 3 matters:
who, what and why of 2025 reporters
why we have structured chapters around UN leader Guterres 9-piece trabsformation jigsaw of gov 2.0 and the digital roadmapping it imvites eveyone to check out with 360 degree flows. For me a map is only as good as its local usability even though its assembly may have involved the rochest and poorest, those privileged with the greatest that ed or tech access has to offere as well as those with the least. A map proves itself not just in individial use but in everyone or every intellect it safely connects. And it needs to keep adapting to any coordinate on erth is ways that keep up with nature's evolutionary playbook. It may be that a map is realted to a game that makes you feel better about everyone around you the more you play it (I am not sure about that but I have always wished Neumann's time on earth had been extended to clarify above zero-sum games humans relate round, as well as paradoxes such as can currency/money be designed above zero sum professdional stnadards. Intangible cvaluation was an active area of matmetaical pursuit in the late 1990s but then it got closed down by the incoming bush adminstrtion in 2001 and the n=by vrussels in 2004- I wdirectly itnesseed who was shut down in both cases but why this happened -well with due respct toi steve hawkins black holes on earth (hi-truts hoi-tech hi-touch as korreans mathematicains frame it) seem to be more urgent challenges)
valuing two examples of open minded exercises
who what and why
2025 report began in 1982 when 3 people wanted to explore good news possibilities of tech accelarting through the last quarter of the 20th cenetury and first qyarter of 21st C. Our expereince was that mass tv in the wes hasd become dominated by bad news or fear reporting. Also we were aware of negative anylyses for humanity like Orwell's 1984. Our understanding of systems is they ultimately spiral in one of 2 opposite directions. So whilst we recognised Oreellain type endgames as one probability, we wanted to map out the alternative of better futures for everybody
The fitst therer 2025 reporters were:
a scoence fiction weiter who wanted to remain anonymous
a person I most wanted to learn from: my father.
Dad had been hired by The Economist in 1948 initially to be its end poverty sub-editor. There was a tradition that went back to the founder Hapes Wilson to make such a new hire appointment every few years. In this case the editor Geoffrey Crowther had just finished a cenetenary autbiography of The Economist 1843-1943 so he alsp wanted to share some of the rights and wrongs of a century of weekly newspaper reporting out of the Empire capotal of London. Dad was seconded to New York for a year in 1951 where he met Von Neumann in Preinceton.neuammn asked would economist journalists be interested in the greatest scoop of mathematicians; what goodsd will peoplesunite with 100 times more tech over the next decade. Dad asked Geoiffrey who said yes you can also be the sub-ei=ditor of that. Ove what became the lasst 6 years of his life, Neumann shared that his peer Goats of mathemastics did not expect there to be one decade of 100 ties more tech. They expected this to co,pound until artificial inte;;igence had as much switching poiwer as a human brain , and then "moore">IN appendix 1, I have depoisted the last 8 pages of Neumann's concerns - part of a poshumous lectire his wife gave at Yale in 1958 the year after he died.
This retrospectve review of 2025 report made after my father died in 2010 shows that timelining of how media and tech would change was passably correct but the deepest social challenges for good appear so far to have been missed.
If I as the most junior of 2025 reporters I have understoos anything from the last 40 years journey it os that expeometially accelerating tech remaisn our best oppoerunity to celebrating lives 8 billion peoples most need as well as the greatest threat.
When I say the sci-fi weited, dad and I were the first three 2025 reporters, I really meant everyone who has imspured us- directly or indirectky networked cooperations in line with human advancement. I hope this chraming 3 minute review of dads life made at The Economisdt boardroom illustartes that's what dad's ide of jouyrnalism and mediaton for humanity needed to value.
UN's 9 jigssw pieces of gov2.0 system tranformation.
If there is one thing that my Statistics MA from the UK's main maths lab in 1973 (Cambridge Dampt) has enabled me to see it it that innovation and its behavioral characteristocs such as entrepneurship are talhed about as something most people want to join in but are not actually walked as far astransformation gies. It seems to be the case that world's bihgest organsiations are not likely to be at the front of total system chnage because this means giving up at least some of the power they are in the habit of exercising and even rewarding their top people around. In this context GUterres emergence ofthe 9 piece transfkrmation jigsaw of giv 2.0 is to me a surpise full of wonders. I hope to demonstarte that through the chapters of this book
2 open minded exercise
Exersi=icsoe 1 : imagine that we get to the stage that we have made millennails the first extinction generation instead of the first sustainability generation. What sort of mistake will you report that as being. In my case it would defintely be the biggest mats error if all time, but then to the extent I am prohessionally qualified to judge 8 bilion beings performace, maths is my ticket. I would also call it an educational mistake. The education scenarios of good tech in 2025 report were always my favorite if only from the amateur parneting viewpoint. I hope to convince you that our vooks 1984 tecomendation that every 2025 person be identified with their own sjils dashobaord and own personal livelihood trainer was a good idea, technologically posible but so far not exustent at loest in the form that could celebrate sustainability generation.
Exercise 2. Can you choose a year that was bad for the world but at the same time nominate at least one good that was born and has grown from that year. While I guess mnay of us as indivifuals are horrified by 2 recent years - 2020's yera of covid; 2022 year of putim's war, its too early (for me) to see a good birth of the year. So if I may I will go back to 2 bad years that my father and I discussed a lot: 9/11 of year 2001; subprime of 2008. You will see in ythis book that our choice of a good thing of 2001 is the new university cooperation movement celebrating knowedge a billion poorest vilage mothers recomend all stduents and tecahers cooperate around. That 2008'spublication by Satoshi of Blockchain offeres a fascinating opportunity as well as risks. The opportunity is that what my father called the search for entrepreneurial revolkutioanry heroined in 1976 can now be de[posted in such a way that the whole word knows who invented what and can trace whether apps or atificial intel that claim toi be related to that hei=eroine truly are. It could just be that the solutions communities most need to replicate to escape local extinction eisks become bot the currency and brain renewal that artificial intels help our human intels to augment
chapter 2 introduction to 9 playing pieces of gov2.0 and humanity's most value cooperation/communal goals- consider a global vilage world peaking within a 30 yaer generation at 10 billion people that's 100000 by 100000 villages networked together as win-wins with natures coordinates
NY HQ UN: in 2015 all 200 nations declared 17goals for humanity - whilst they were called sustainability development goals - we suggest playing with them like buildfing nlocks or an alphabet- which goals need to cooperatively fit together to save which ,most urgent community crises- how dfoes the younger half of the world action connect thisd given its their geeration that will be at the final crossroads to our species regenerating or ending somethime before they have great grandchildren
guterres has sdhaped what has become 1 9 reansformation pieces are also like building blocks - new and old in alladin lamps vocabulary (he was elcted to 10 years of leadership of the Un to start 15 months after the goals were talked up in 2015, and 3 months a group of educatirs sept 2016 Un said nobody in education knows how to help younger half of the world walk tehse goals
new & old
the old promies of gov from 1945 invilved
ethocs of human rights and inclusion
stewardship of public goodd and safey
we can now see that 21st C knowldeg cow=working tools
incolve communications media since 1865 geneva
legacy of the greatest mathematucans eveb - what von neumann spent hsi last decade calling artificial intel and asking journalists to makie his leagacy - what goods can peoples ujite with 100 times more of thsi tech every decade
and we need 21st c lifelong educations mapping back 3 billion new jobs (eg billion green, billion last mile community, bilion tech)- everyone needs to be astidenta dn tecaher among teh under 30s - call taht dgital cooepration
everyone needs to be liefelog strident/etacher among over 30s call that digirla capacity building
after braistorming all 8 of tehse round tables with 50 leading givs ,c odporates and civil society newrirks we have onlgoin work being catalogued here
and we can see that the whoel needs integration by codes - deep enough data access to align with natirures eveolutionat rules of adapatation
when you vew goas in tjis way someting remarkable hapened in new york the yaer after the goals had been decalered
a group of educatirs said: wr hsve no idea of how to train people to acheive tehse goals - our problem is 1 edubcastion and tech experts dont walk with each other 2; next nether ed or tech walk with the specific profesdions who serve communities in deepest crises
recursion example health
we have some standard theories - butr for example consuder how america trains medical experts - it assumes they will have pristine surgenries - there is no training of what to do if you have no electricity ; data is not being collecred to prevent risk of next worldwide [lague even though we have teach that can now beams dara ups nad down from every gpps within saetllietes reaxh; and perhaps far worse even with a profession like nursing we make it so expensive to qyalify as an all round nurse that we dont have eg tens of thousands of people ready for specifuc first aid such as massive innoculation; and indeed because we dont have a common sense nurse in every community many communities no longer how to value urfently cvorect advice from endlessly expensive stuff- worse look at how the last 7 tears of phramceurical distribution i usa has been used most of all to distribute addiction to opiates - back in 1860 this was the last and greatest wrong the british e,pire spread to quarter of world people in asia- surely k-12 teachers could have been informed as soon as wens emerged on simple truths like stay away from opiates - why isnt ther a head nurse in teh same office as any large school head teacher
compare wuth recirsion example food
or recirsion example finacial cooperation those with least tele
or 100000 community buulding by women )(we laready have 99.9% of the world structured by either old men or younger umale llies)
or water and waste
or next energy since we need to end both pastic and carbon use asap whist not making tarsnition impossible for any families with least able to afford the innovation we need
Consider 6 different states of global connectivity (ie worldwide communications) and trust/safety
- where communications includes reansportation, telecoms and digital computation inteligence
we can see the peoples have lived through six different states - where often times a privileged minority has h=far more to connect life with than the majority
we call tele 0 before 1865
what hapened in 1865 is switzerland became the place that many neigboring countries copperativeley founded the ITU designed telegrams around (and soon other forms of telecommunications, telephone, telex, radio , the progress of televisn being interrupted by world war 2).In these countries 1865 had seen the scaling of railways - in other words cities becoing potentually more adbaced places to live in than rural vilages ; and the birth of electricity grids.
somewhere around 1920 leding edge tecah started to chnage up to 100 fold a decade with the swiss coorodr connecting the graetest matematicains of all time - eg von neumann from hungary's budapest; einstein from germany's munich; Einstein even started hosting a club of international cooperatsion but soon msot of tehse mathematicians emigrated to usa typically princeton to escape the orbits of hitler and stalon;
although tech potentially promised huge goods cleasrly it also caused risks of loss of safety or multiplication of disdtrust; it os said that hitler multiplied his propaganda during yerasd when he was the only leasder with access to audio taperecordings- his message could replay 24/7 wjereas other nationsd leaders could only radio live
we choose to start tele 2 at the end of world war2 -of course its not an exactchoice but now television and computing started to advance and soon satellite telecoms; it was in 196=51 my father met von neumann then with 6 yaer to live; and von neumann asked dad to find economic jouranlsisdt interested in teh scoop what good will peoples unite with with 100 times more etch per dcade; von neumann termed the computaional side of thisd whioch had become his great hope for good- artificvial intel;
withon 5 years of v neumans death tehre were at least 5 corridors where advanced science was progressing
the swiss cooridor
2 from princeton- noth and south
over to satnford and the surrounding cvalley (there in 1965 in response to a huge order form a hapalanese calculaor manufatire intel invetned programable silicon chipa and gordon moore committede enginners toa dvancing chip capacity 100 fold per decade)
the fifth corrodor was th tokyo south coastalin which by the early 1960s was inclduing korea s taiwan , soon the 2 extraordmainary portsat asia pacific's cross-seas - hong kong and singapore
we choose web 1 to sart in 1990 with berners lee who broght his research from switezerland to mit (the nortern princeton corridor )- web 1 was where the future would become all digital interactive unlike work peinted on paper; and web 1 seemed to be comnecetd around personal computer terminals
web 2 atrted when iwifi pesonal devices becemae more massively used than wired persnal computers- but this also meant data was straeming in from every gps on the palnet
this brings us to the 2020s where we expect a nother revolution what web3 or metaverse consists of - why its the 3rd big leap in 30 yeras is something we are aseembling vsionary leads on
however hy=hust as the first 80 years after tele1 ended with world war2 ; we appear 80 years later to be at another crossroads- thsi time all human sustainability is thraetened by at a least tri-fector of crises- there is still the danger of arms races; there is now the danger of nature's climate meltdown ; and hyperconnectibity puts us at risk of viruses whether tehse escape from nature of bad actors
-when it comes to trust what we still havent achienved is an audit of compound risks to be attended to with at elst as much focus by the world's bigegst organsiatiosn as they way they count up 90 day profites;
my father started to be concerenced about compound risks - 21 yera into linkinh =g in von neumann surverys around 100 tiems more- in 1972 he wrote his first 40 year furture hostory- one of teh new rsiks he analysed was nixon taking the dolar off te gold standard; what this meant was that the dooalr would become the money system of teh worlds bigegst organsiation not of ameriac's main street or ideed of and local/regioanl communities
by the end of teke2 era 1990, usa television was the ppposite of joyful (htared , fame new, violence were all prevament); one of the reasons we had written the 2025 report in 1984 was to recmend that each new revolution of teh web reset any bad or sad dynamics of previous communicatiosn systems - unfortunatly the=is was not done between tele2 and web 1 nor web 1 and web 2; in clariv=yung web 3 and what we may call the computaional advances or articfial intel, we have in all lilelihood less than 10 yeras to make web 3 the antodote to all teh expoentualrisks that have multipied; thats if teh elder half of teh world wants the younger half to be the fisrts suatiability geenration
developmen of poorest quaret of world - new university 2001 - wgere came from - goal of uniting 50 mn jobs open uni; integrated un framework; connected goals ; matxhed shelfy 178
*1 (6) (7) 8-16 inspired royals of unj
world rade catal stories W(ew)S
3 tupes of survey
peolple need next
future hisrory change of conrstitution b=needed to value 9=8 billion beings
2025 reprt - specifuc timelines web1-3 - beidges needed
eg 2001 buggesr risk
3 money meltowns in 20 year dot com subprime crypto
My dream: everyone experiences Harrison Owen OpenSpace After%20the%20Rage.pdf
IF SCHOOLS were child centric they would make age relevant interventions:
if anyone is illiterate at age 6 it only takes 90 days to change that - best of all a literate kid can be main helper in 20 minute session - see sunita gandhi
finacial literacy would be practicsed from age 8 - see aflatoun ( works in 100 countries
from age 10 pre-teens would have access to pfysical and mental health studies designed peer to peer -see Lancet
no kid would leave primary school without knowing how open space meetings/teamwork is facilitated
teachers would be celebrated for clarifying which skills involve experiential learning not classroom examination - while there is some recognition that music and sports involve practice, its shocking that coding isnt valued this way ..
Do you have life-changing moment to share? - what was it and what did you think or do differently after it?
example until 9/11, i assumed that (good) futures are happening somewhere in the world and would be searched out so that all could communally replicate them; === 9/11 caused me to question whether global connectivity will give us time to find sustainable solutions for our kids- i became particulaly interested in places where good education leaps appeared but did not get app'd the world over - one example actually goes back to my favorite 1990s advances in schools that a small cliuster of new zealand schools pioneered - download it here
i welcome discussion of this book's parts at any time rsvp if you have a solution every community that develops youth could be cooperational
in 1984our book with economist editors 2025report made the case for 40 year commitment to every child identifying own skils dashboard and maximising AI curation of this- we valued this as sustainability critical worldwide cooperation - we see no logic for changing this concern
== we live in an age where most up to half of knowhow of techforgood changes every 3 years - we needed mindsets for exploration not for being standard examined; a nation that makes its college students its largest debt class is likely to collapse economically socially environmentally if web3 is designed for celebrating sustainability cooperation; and if web3 is not designed for neough yout to linkin the first sustainability generation then we are all heading the way of the dodo
I am learn to learn
TECH - What is IT? and which exponential multipliers most impact human and natural futures?
AI >. silicon chip singularity (ie when one chip > one brain in pure analytical capacity) - science fictiion no moore
who programs the ai - the race to include lost voices eg girls- the world of statistics re=-examined like never before (eg previously mass statistics very weak at coding meaining from numbers)
Biotech >> Affective science (loveq and emotional intelligence remains human's unique edge over artificials for at least 10 more years!)
Some people say that Virtual or Augmented Reality has advanced at its best so far in last 12 months that there are hardly any qualified teachers only pioneering explorers- does this matter - well its VR which is your gateway to web3 - intead of just a mobile device you will like wear a visual sensor system; equally others argue that you shouldnt worry about how fast you put googles on - what you should want is to take back ownbership of what you spend time creating virually- look at the small print of the big platforms you probably dont own anything without them..maybe this is a generation issue bu interstingly the met-generation can now work on chnaging anything that old systems are destroying (eg climate) ...t
IOT which things will now have brains and be as mobile connected as you are
Crypto - can communities celebrate financiang their own most urgent sustainability cooperations? if they dont who wil?
Cyber >> Drone - opportunities and threats of public spaces- first in spaces like the arctic circle if we dont use drones we will get no warning before the big meltdown
-the mkist memorable western campus event i attended in 2010s was tufts colllaboratory summit convened mainly by arctic circle youth under 25;
one of the main debates how to help teachers in arctic circle schools empower their students to use virtual reality to visit other arctic circles schools communities; many of the changes and solutions are analogous; I am reminded by educators leading the compilation of virtual realty libraries of the DICE acronym - a reen might want to do something dangerous like climb everest, why not VR simulate that? there are impossible things a trainee doctor will never be able to travel inside a humans gut but that can be VR'd; there are catastropghic simulations - you would rid the world of bees just to test if donald is wrong about nature being more powerful than he is, you can simulate it; or the future of smart tourism may be curation of what a community is proudest of being visited for - this way ecotourism, cultural appreciation exchanges can be twinned to maximise celebration of each other- and by the way friends of the tourist can join in virtually- of corse this raises a metaverse question - that Hong Kong is leading the world on
being 100% public - good and bad hacs- note context matters - context 1 smart city context 2 isolated vilalge no moore context 3 make a huge land safe at borders
3D printing aka additive engineering
Big Data Small by market tech sector Leapfrogging
Nano cf einstein - to innovate science model more micro
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