This briefing I&T*C&C*E*N
I = intelligence sharing (including lifelong education) & T= transporation of epeopels adn things we matket (exchnagse value mulripliers with)
E&N : animal life applies 5 senses (see, listen, speak, smell, touch) which result in emotional drivers that in some situations which most notablyb in humans (eg urgency( take over from a thought ought response; as species who make our life on earth - her overall systems rule what is possible today and for future generations;
How did these constructs change by tele era - before 1865 conscious intel sharing was defined by word of mouth and the printed word and maps; visual arts and music as well ritual perfoances also conveyed ideas but these depended on creative networks ( a sumbol mightb have alternative meansings and the overall composition or story mightb be intended for openinh mind interprations- sometimes intended to clarify one overall mora parable in other casess being a journey into the subcpmcious that the artist might have intended to have as unlimited search for meaning as mother earth herself) . Th tele era was made possible by the invention of elctricity so that did not exist in the teleo are; one years earlier engines had been invented so traisn had started toi scale as the new trasnportaion mode. Before that unless you lived near water - you were landlocked - the fastet way meesages could be shared : by horse power, by by bycycle or rickshaw, by (eg smoke) signals What had come together by 1965 was enough tools for there to be advantages to moer and more people moving from rural to city. Wealth (living beyond much beyond subsisetnce) had been the privilege of relatively few top people; now a middle class started to have potentially nore voice
WE define tele1 era as every telecoms and other advance up to the end of world war 2. Essentially these were aucio advance like telephones, telexes radios (akthough television and planes had been invented - they were to scale after world war 2). Cars/motorise vehicles had become the thirsd major major transoortantion alongside ships and railways in advanced countriesd.Probaly less tha 20% of huans had access to these advances which happened in the placesd that had become biggest empires since navigation of old and new world from late 1400s as well as perhaps another 20 advanced nations (mainly white ruled apart from Japa). So although technologies since 1865 offered huge opportunities for advance; assymetries between th 8 biggesdt nation power were a root cause of world war 2. In birthing the united nations and other multilateras you could say there were 3 typesd of problems;
peacefull rs=estarting welath production among the 8 empires
the fact that ussr led by stalin was in noi agreement with the othr 7 G8 members (frabce italy germany Uk hapan usa canada); development of three quarters of human beings who had so far no opportunity to yse tele1 for their place sustainable development
We call tele 2 the era up to the emergence of digital webs. Ny now according to the goats of mathematics toral technolgu in adbanced places could be accelerating 100 fold a decade. Computaion was the new multiplier to past communications. Meanwheile televiusion and sonn satellite telecommunications soon spread excpoenetiual impacts Plabes were scaling. But so too were agressive capabilities of arms. And soon the way television was commercialised it lost educational value - multiplying 4 "bads"
fame information
control by fear
destricution og nature's assets
All the while computatuon power was accelerating but as yet on paper plans and speciality silos claimedf by professionals.
So 1990 birth of the web1 (digital forst newtirks were around personal compute networking) needed btidges ofmultilateral's purpsoes (: such as rights inclusion public goods and trust. There is no eveidence that this was done ahead of time in the snense that von neumall smart media had been recomended to survey.
When web 2 came along with smart devices now transmitting key data of uman andn natural interactiosn fo=rom every gps on the pkaet hiumans design of networks was even elass prepared. Insetad of civil societies creating web 2 futures celebrating natural diversaity and priories of human develkopment goals, a very sma;ll number of big corporations now have most of the daat. But web 3 technologies offere huamns one last chance to banlance this in line with 8 billion beings need to co-existe with anture'sd bottom up and open sustem designs. Man made dorers adminstrated by professioanl monoplies are in fact compounding unesseen expoenetail risks. Although this reasearch existes (intangbiles around 1999) Bush adminstrtion from trexas closed this maths down from funding in 2001 and astonsinshingly the EU closed it down in 2004.
Web3 requires outting some tools and beliefs togethr in the humanly most cooperative way ever seen:
blochckain was matmatically announced in 2008 but depends also on which of 8 billion peopels and moyher earth;s data is whos and how we design computer-sdmart devices as their appication of the 5 sdenses partly matches, partly exceeds, and partly by construct (Turing will always lag). Can AI be designed to augment human intel and design the 3 billion best jobsd under 30s could be spending life ob? the 2002s - as we move 80 yeras beyond world war2 appears to be eg
at as great risk from g8 assymentroes
and this time needing to includ three quarters of world's peopelsd and places that multialerals were designed to map beyond seprate nations boudariesd
all to play for
to fdat the i=un2.0 digotal roadmapping with 9 transhfmation peices - is the only good enough for ssuatianbility -potentaily coadle system - taht can be searched by every linkedin human or articicial searher or analyst/
C&C - Cultures define societies that have agreed on common set of laws or ways of organsiing life which are themeseles connected with langiages, alphabets and arts; computation applies numbers (in modern times either 10 or two-(all computer code comes from binary on-off analytic power). Real maths is built around facts which are unlikely to change - by defintion 3 is more than 2 is less than 13 - 4 main operations of numbers are add or subrtact, multiply or divide; ; extended arithemtic looks arpowers or roots (eg we call power to th2 squre or square root from 2 dimensional geoimentry, and 3 cube asnd cube root relating to 3 dimensional geomentrey); engineers in particular need to undesratnd 3-2-1 diesioanl volumesd and surfaces for which they need calculus (differentialn and integration)
is written to accompany the view point that since 1865 differet numbers of people have evoled evet more advanced communication structure- 3 in the last 30 years are web1-3 ; 3 bfore 1990 tele2 back to world wars 2; tele1 back t 1965 when telegrams becasme the first cooperatiom stagdard for sharing long idsiace ite; before 1864 an era when there was meither tele nor ecletricity and raolwyas had only just begun to scale in the most advanced places
My dream: everyone experiences Harrison Owen OpenSpace After%20the%20Rage.pdf
IF SCHOOLS were child centric they would make age relevant interventions:
if anyone is illiterate at age 6 it only takes 90 days to change that - best of all a literate kid can be main helper in 20 minute session - see sunita gandhi
finacial literacy would be practicsed from age 8 - see aflatoun ( works in 100 countries
from age 10 pre-teens would have access to pfysical and mental health studies designed peer to peer -see Lancet
no kid would leave primary school without knowing how open space meetings/teamwork is facilitated
teachers would be celebrated for clarifying which skills involve experiential learning not classroom examination - while there is some recognition that music and sports involve practice, its shocking that coding isnt valued this way ..
Do you have life-changing moment to share? - what was it and what did you think or do differently after it?
example until 9/11, i assumed that (good) futures are happening somewhere in the world and would be searched out so that all could communally replicate them; === 9/11 caused me to question whether global connectivity will give us time to find sustainable solutions for our kids- i became particulaly interested in places where good education leaps appeared but did not get app'd the world over - one example actually goes back to my favorite 1990s advances in schools that a small cliuster of new zealand schools pioneered - download it here
i welcome discussion of this book's parts at any time rsvp if you have a solution every community that develops youth could be cooperational
in 1984our book with economist editors 2025report made the case for 40 year commitment to every child identifying own skils dashboard and maximising AI curation of this- we valued this as sustainability critical worldwide cooperation - we see no logic for changing this concern
== we live in an age where most up to half of knowhow of techforgood changes every 3 years - we needed mindsets for exploration not for being standard examined; a nation that makes its college students its largest debt class is likely to collapse economically socially environmentally if web3 is designed for celebrating sustainability cooperation; and if web3 is not designed for neough yout to linkin the first sustainability generation then we are all heading the way of the dodo
I am learn to learn
TECH - What is IT? and which exponential multipliers most impact human and natural futures?
AI >. silicon chip singularity (ie when one chip > one brain in pure analytical capacity) - science fictiion no moore
who programs the ai - the race to include lost voices eg girls- the world of statistics re=-examined like never before (eg previously mass statistics very weak at coding meaining from numbers)
Biotech >> Affective science (loveq and emotional intelligence remains human's unique edge over artificials for at least 10 more years!)
Some people say that Virtual or Augmented Reality has advanced at its best so far in last 12 months that there are hardly any qualified teachers only pioneering explorers- does this matter - well its VR which is your gateway to web3 - intead of just a mobile device you will like wear a visual sensor system; equally others argue that you shouldnt worry about how fast you put googles on - what you should want is to take back ownbership of what you spend time creating virually- look at the small print of the big platforms you probably dont own anything without them..maybe this is a generation issue bu interstingly the met-generation can now work on chnaging anything that old systems are destroying (eg climate) ...t
IOT which things will now have brains and be as mobile connected as you are
Crypto - can communities celebrate financiang their own most urgent sustainability cooperations? if they dont who wil?
Cyber >> Drone - opportunities and threats of public spaces- first in spaces like the arctic circle if we dont use drones we will get no warning before the big meltdown
-the mkist memorable western campus event i attended in 2010s was tufts colllaboratory summit convened mainly by arctic circle youth under 25;
one of the main debates how to help teachers in arctic circle schools empower their students to use virtual reality to visit other arctic circles schools communities; many of the changes and solutions are analogous; I am reminded by educators leading the compilation of virtual realty libraries of the DICE acronym - a reen might want to do something dangerous like climb everest, why not VR simulate that? there are impossible things a trainee doctor will never be able to travel inside a humans gut but that can be VR'd; there are catastropghic simulations - you would rid the world of bees just to test if donald is wrong about nature being more powerful than he is, you can simulate it; or the future of smart tourism may be curation of what a community is proudest of being visited for - this way ecotourism, cultural appreciation exchanges can be twinned to maximise celebration of each other- and by the way friends of the tourist can join in virtually- of corse this raises a metaverse question - that Hong Kong is leading the world on
being 100% public - good and bad hacs- note context matters - context 1 smart city context 2 isolated vilalge no moore context 3 make a huge land safe at borders
3D printing aka additive engineering
Big Data Small by market tech sector Leapfrogging
Nano cf einstein - to innovate science model more micro
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Volume 2
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