Keynsians love passionate practitioners knowing how often they get tied up by political bureaucrats and histioruc system thinking backward academics-
10 global health practitioners clearly need to be freed by keynsians now as do
'9 all youth jobs creating leaders
8 all who value 25-35 year old professionals as most connected educated and collabirative our human race has ever bred by that age
What Keynes said about jobs of economists and everyone's futures hippocratic oath and Job number 1 of the economics profession IS design
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Kim et all paper of transforming value chain of global health,Lancet 2013; Jim Kim
2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, 40 K
Map World Record Job Creators
When it comes to threat analysis, Keynsians are most concerned by what is of greatest intergenerational human value that numbers-driven pursuits don't yet include and therefore exponentially devalue sustainability of
7 parenting ie whatwomen4empowerment stands for celebrating now that the world has 20 years of experimental partnerships in mobilising the pooerest village womens entrepreneurial networking -further references and
6 open education in every way that this can be celebrated as a more valuable livielhood growing media than mass tv ads - see open edu who's who and eWe-Ye MA-LEE
5 green energy and clean water and designing partnerships that mimic nature's evolutionary imperative of getting to zero waste
4 how every 20th c boundary needs to be reanlysed - while it may have been conveneint to adminster in an age of zero consumption , that means by defintion it may be the geatest risk in blockoing abundancy of how knowledge flows mltuply value in use -exactly the opposite of consuming upthins
3 intergenrational value impacts are the exact opposite of celebratng new of whi extracted or externalised the most over the last quarter - this becomes the greatest mathematical in the world if out inter-generational handover has more impact on human sustainability than any past or future.
2 and 1 to come!
if you can help mapping more details of 3 through 10 we sure could deo with help - thanks unacknowledged economics and trillion dollar audit of practice peoples greatest gifts of freedoms to global sectors
technical note on PEAK HUMANITY- in intergeneratoinal terms three groups representing over 51% of the world's populace - women, youth and poorset get less than 10% voice of the future -IF #2030now cannot change this it is unlikely that economics will ever again sustain 7 billion livelihoods