TOGETHER THE IMPLEMENTATION EconomistDiary Date 11/17 nexus UNclimate out of Egypt- &FTX's 10 goons destruction of crypto1.0
WorldClassBrands (WCB) Reality 1....just as humans hoped to leap beyod covid, to ai augmenting humans and goods of metaverse design for 8 billion beings to multily goodwill way above zero sum, whilst also cpoing with Putin taking Europe back to the 1920s- wasnt this enough without Dark Bahamian Rapsody trapping suoerstars of american football and worldwide womens tebnnos/olympics torchbearers
WCBrands Reality 2 Don't lets get distracted now- we have no "mmotre" last chnaces of sustainability let alone gov2.0 without whole truth community financing - dont forget DC's ;last morality pow-wow before covid Power with others not over others
WCBrands Reality 3 Rabbiit Holes: goon shows of 21st C to date
of FTX seek to implode web3;
subprime busts web2 before questioning what's 2010s opportunity to be;
Enron collapses web1 with Texas admin sending climate & intangibles trust seekers TO America's coventry (Tenessee). Notable assistance from Chicag's Andersen and maddening school of smash and grab as much as you can in 90 days or 90 seconds
The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.
WCBrands Reality 4 Morality Intel ..TRansatlantic English-language human intel dev could have enjoyed more than 265 years to study moral sentiments of English Identity. While Adam Smith's 265th morality play is being celkebrated Glasgow U June 2023, his teenage doctirate at Oxford had initaited the case that English Empire's higer education system cared not about youth's next generation. Professors design silos for their own hierachical convenience and London's Empire bureucrats last aim was entrepreneurship- nay they needed a mindset that would make the same dispassionate decision-making the world over where the messenger's speed over land was that of horse and over water that of sailing ship,
Adam's work on how transparent can a market be is fascinating as it coems in 2 parts - the moral conclusion to markets in the era before engines; the first 16 yeras of how engines chnaged the world of places. With his deep distrust of London's morality, Adam had argued for a united states of morality- imagine if enegine power had spread morally down east coast states across the south coasts states; if texas had been the most moral state in the world how would it have dealth with uniting with mexcinans and the US west coast.A fantasy trip may be- but are we any more able to face up to place brand reality today.
WCBrands Reality 5 Queens English If you want more chapter and verse from 1843ry thanks to james wilson and his inquests with Royal Society and the English Constitution from 1843
Q1 Did queen victirial really want her parliament's democracy to starve hakd the Irish to death ( Corn laws
Victiria's purpose in question 2 - did she really want banking for the quarter of human life on the subcontient of India to make the least of these peopels lives is dispiuted. Whats known is she hurriedly sent james Wilson to Calcutta 1859 with permission to charter the first bank and taxation by and for India's peoples. There he died after his first annual report on teh state of the nation. Cause of death Diarrhea. It was to take 112 yeras before oral rehydration as a solution to this biggest killer across the tropics aided a billion women to rebuild community's ABC - Asia Bangladesh China 1970-2001 - see - part 1 of 3. Part 2 the legacies he hoped worldwide partnerships in web3 2020s is curated at Part 2 the first 20 yeras of designing new universities becmae the remebrance studies upadtes of my father's entrepreneurial revolution and web1-2 generes at the Economist. This would not have occurred with =out the exyraordinary gracuous hosting of 2 brainstorming dinners with fazle abed than =ks to the Jaanese ambassador to bangladesh and the 50 most socially concerned alumni of bangladesh's first 40 years of Independence.
WCBrands 4.1 Normanmacrae,netThe Economists's centenary autobigraphy of mediting English mindest published 1943 by Economist editorial colege led by Sir Geoffrey Ctowther. At that time my father as spending his last days as navigatir allied bomber command Burma Campaign . Forumately for my fa,iloy g=he survived was in keynes last class at camvridge; was examined by Crowther on the autobiography before being hired at the economist; was seconded to new York for a year in 1951to schae up Von Neumnn (Mathsdao) scoop of what goods will humans unite with 100 times more tech per decade. As Delong has published the opportunity for miidle class growth came with Switzerland being appointed to bu=irth Tele (initally Telgraph of the iTu)> 1865 was a magic time to birt international communicatiosn wherever raleways were scaling eural-urban deveopment - and electricity was brudging engineering power and engineerng communications. Unfirtualtels as we now know the assymeyries of prmarliy G* nations in accelerating tele into the era of 100 times more tech resulted in world war 2. For that reason we suggest identifying 1945-1990 as the era of tele2 before the emergence of web1-3. Its fascinating atht the ITU was birn out of Gneva as Digita Twin of UN Hq. But was not connected again to 2016 when the 50+ operation uits of the Un realised that despite annoucing sdgs in 2015 there was zero cgnace of them happening without un2/gov2 being rengineered round 4 ed tech process
techs global connectiviity since 1965
every other tech from the Goats of maths which Un2 calls AIforGood
education for the yonger half of the world which the UN called digital cooperatio; it was this network inspired by what billion women had empowered through education whoch mobilsed the whole chnage movement of un2 tiadmapping. And what change in elarning do the older half of the world and its biggest decions makers need - the Un cals this digital capacity building So now we have the future back from the 4 ideals which all multilaterals were intdedned to mediate from 1645
satety trust
publi goods (ie infrastructiure sof 100 tumes more)
includion of all human productivity within a place - eg women lift up half the sky
human rights withon, across at boders -eg UN refugee servoices which UN leader Guettres had serbed before being appointed 2017 to sesign Un2.0 and unite 8 billion beings in laping beyond extinction's last rabbit hoe with
Recuersion at the Economist
why kennedy seems to have been last us leader to get V neumann's qyest
why nixon admin ended middle class and youth growth
-neuroric trillionnare- no attempt to contiue white and black development
1972 future histiry of the first 40 years of us $ off gold standard- ie the end of the dolar valuing us middle class- why designs of fintech will be crucial in ending polutical monopies og paper money prinyters
1984 next 40 yeras - as tel 2's ad age ends in tragedy of communicatiosn professionals valuing perceptions over reality - how will the design of web 1,2 ..beome all or nothing to regeneration of millennials as firts sustainbilit gen
Chris Macrae MA DAMTP CantabView Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab’s 50th year as stats guy in Ad & Ai Agency now goes meta across NY HK Dhaka, Glasgow & 10 supercity united