
pre digital model


B0 - microfrnachsie invsting


Cashless banking:

mpesa open nets safari EB1

bkash integration  EB2


Solar-a-billion - grameen shakti and variations   Y10


market networks for poorest


jack ma


who will be microfranchsies owners or cataloguers -milennials number 1 brand of job creation partnerships




why not bbc


Changing trillion dollar chians

fashion 4 development see which writtenup

w4e in partnership with nanocredit

telecentres for poorest jobs


learning spaces:

make sense when you know about yazmi

medi free nursing colege

sme - blecher free university

ihub kenya - mit media lab



(foundations of learning and banking networks)

foundations of education





curriculum - people i know most


leapfrog cases  -cashless banking mpesa and bkash


mobile markets and bottom-up apps nanocreit and micromarketsvision jack ma


energy networks- green energy a billion - grmeen and variants


elearning - free nursing college - girl power jobs breakthrough

free university - general missing curricula

open learning campus - 25-35 years job creating value chain transformation


changing mass media

twin youth capitals in hosting more value than olympics spactoars sports

univesrity of stars models- fashion edev, singfor hope


networks of  entrepreneurial capital





10th world bank

22-23-(24) ny


Dont you just love how economics and media rule the world but schools never free youth to linkin how



checklist of 7 least economic ways elders abuse next generation;s freedoms


remember keynes work on economics is the way systems are designed round compound consequences which wither free or trap next generation;s livelihood


send them to wars without culturally sustainable goal (ie failure to value peace as integral to economics) -7 antidoes peace laureates youth summits


certify which youth are to be valued most through over-rstandardised theories that fail to pro-actively and humanly value change by naturally  integrating local diversity   -6 open learning campus


failure to design media to be free to promote life saving solutions open societies need most -5  part 1 nanocreit, free elearning satellite; part 2 curioisity of public mass media in search for millennials goals su 30000 microfranchsies


failure to map how to old people;s health and pensions as low cost as possible -4 gamechnager nearly free nustong college


taxation structures that ensure productive assets are least accessible to those hrad working young people who want to bring up families too   - 3 designing job number1 of public servants as end inequality -eg people's curriculum - adopting womens empowerment greatest innovations to end poverty and broken community


2 value chain failure to design professional rules round valuing sustainability expoentials, transparent conflict resolution, and each market's most productive future purpose -young professionals world summits


1 pretending that bi-polar short-term political quarrels is anything other than the worst possible way to sustain a win-win trading future for a place's people in 21st c boereless world  -game of 3 greatest changing exports - how scotland as free nation can play game and help twin youth trades eg 1 to sustain nations at borders of eurozone now - make a list of 5 biiggest lobbies runnig federal  decision-making  SWO ro-youth versus ant-youth

arms and big brother surveillans anto youth; too big to fail banking anti-youth; never right tine to affiord celan energy or accesible ehalth care or ' teachers lobby; geoplitical lobbies that actially compind conflict at every type of border of governing by power instead of freeing with people




fortunately if this 7-factor list looks too complicated to navigate ctense conflict resolutions around , since 1843 we have example of mediating futures around 2 goals - end hunder and end capitals' abuse of youth through thise entrusted to make biggest decisions in areas of chnage leverage most determing next genration's freedom or loss of sustainability - see how The Economist mediated this from start of industrial revolution to before digital dynamics of going global-local (1843-1984); rank its perfomance 1984-2018 as it becomes 175 yera old just as millennails come of age; the entrepurial scottosh view of The Economist; versus the saint james london view


grameen 5 day friere induction -as much for training brannk managers; freire at brac and journey to updatong gandhi school

grameen grassroots metrcis goals accunulated; 16 decision, 5 stars


the solar girl in-field service college

the secondary scholarship

the 60 day vocational certification brand

the nearly free nursing college


who do youth most want to mooc with

who do youth  nost want to peer to peer yraon for 7 minutes with

what demonstration spaces capture micrfranchises in 7 minutes

the ola concept at miot


redo cases from lucknow

relist belceher caes - sme life lone learning

5000 entrepreneur alumni

14 million chiolders missing curricula and missing apprentice structures

the missing elarning campus of deep microcredit

the failure of space how leapfrom changes orignal economies of non-digital models of microcredit


is version 1 of mit  open education unting open prof around the world

the engineer test as startup

every lad a student co poetition

epicenytre of 360 degree capital partners and kong-term corporate innovations - and end goal of square mile of mit versus square mile of harvard


link in top 10 versus new boxes


the social action last 2 years of education


uofs -grn


uni of stars

peace laures action champions

maharishi at beetles


maharishi at free inversity

ubuntu culture unites tribal s.africa







dont you just love economics and media - leapfrogging knowledge - cases what;s needed to value it-

bottom up profession - cashless banking  ; solar energy; micromarket networ platformss ( nanocredit yazmi)


leapfrog cases - possible mass media cases eg w4d


open educators  -khan, blecher


passion to mediate sectors gretaest livleihood pirspose and gratest community service




histirical grassrrots  stsructire - mindset of open learning


investing in millennails -practice coonectivity: -what constitution - microbank , micomobile, partner of 20 botom-up multinationals

micreducation; what trillion dilar ayudit model

free nursing colege

food vlaue chains diasporas



grameen intel cambodia  see also learning slide 10 11 13 14


100 Health

200 Education

bganking - hi-trust corcloes; hi-trust value chain redesign- post digital models



World Record Job Creators of Open Learning Milennium

A-abed, Y-yunus, K-kim, So-soros, Sa-samara, B-blecher, G-gandhi-lucknow,  I=ito, W4E, APM

100 Health -raising life expectancy from 30s to high 50s above- a lead indicator of national economic potential. (3-in-1 magic of Bangladesh  hi-trust community development: bank, health, edu)






Hunt for milennials most jobs creating brand patner continues- how grameen failed to connect everything wjhile remaining owner of several key microfranchsies and most popular inspiraion space






Open Society's Best for Humanity health networks


H00B BRAC epicentre Bangladesh Founder Fazle Abed

HOOA PIH knowhow-wrld Boston Brgiham Women first rural partnering nation haiti http://www.pih.org/knowledge-center Watch out for possibilities of Health Open Learning Campus (World Bank)



Oral Rehydration


 Oral Rehydration. In humid poor countries, one out of 5 infants die  from extreme diarrhea unless mothers know about oral rehydration- mixing boiled water, sugar and salts in the correct proportion. The mother who applies this cure in time save lives. OR is a life-saving cure with virtually no cost to serve but requiring knowhow networking of 100% of village mothers

Para-health servants - BRAC's first scaled village network.  


Infant Nutrition

Extra ref

The Economist's most cheerful chart in world

Y A k Sa


Crop Sci: Borlaug

Nippon Inst BRAC

 Infant nutrition, the sustainable economist's other passion from birth. Medical experts know that the nutrition an infant gets during the first 1000 days determines not only health prospects of the being but physical brain development. Yunus solution- vegetable garden (especially carrots) linked into each 60 women's banking centre. Infant nutrition first non-financial Social Business in 1980 and first global sb partnership 2005


Mobilising Global Healthcare - Opportunity & Risk


In 1984 The Economist surveyed would global healthcare get 3 times more costly and bust many nation's next generations, or 3 times less costly. 1996 becomes crossroads when Yunus is first to bring mobile phones to villages and identify mobile medical as most economical app. We'll continue review of 20th C pre-digital health innovations before guide to millennials digital empowered medical opportunities


Grassroots healthcare network programs started pre-digital


 bottom-up programs for healthcare-start with brac 20th C catalogue

http://health.brac.net/ : Essential HealthCare; Maternal, Neonatal and Child Healthcare, Alive & Thrive - nutrition, Tuberculosis control program,  Malaria Control Program; // case yunus's tens of thousands of womens centres weekly identification with 16 decision culture




Also see BOP evolution to Paul Polak;s top 20 bottom up multinationals

Best in class example of fully worked through microfranchise- end needless blindness with 10 times more productive cataract surgery format. Life work of indian eye surgeon and connection of larry brilliant expert networks. Most durable of medical bottom-of-pyramid models spotted by CK Prahlad


Ending plagues


See also africa free satellite -samara motivated by infonets to minimise spread of hiv

Larry Brilliant is medic who tracked last case of small pox in pre-digital era. Since then he was first ceo of google.org and now brings his disaster prevention network designs to skoll foundation - key system ILAB (eg Cambodia)


Grand Orchestra Xmas


Commemorated launch of Poland's freedom with annual nation-wide funder to modernise childrens health programs in hospital. Xmas fundraising twinned with summer open air concert maximising Polish youth celebration of health service capabilities. Poland's number 1 social entrepreneur model - award at 2013 Nobel Peace laureate summit Warsaw


HIV new drug R&D


The value chain case Jim Kim recommends  #2030nowmilelans study first - uneconomical markets usually have at least 5 conflict blocks as this case shows. Moving into post-digital area - this case is benchmark of millennials for economic solutions to chronic diseases -YP Chronic Harvard. Need to change pharma industry to R&D rewards not IP lawyers


Nearly Free Nursing College



PIH haiti

Ultimate real and digital-age convergent challenge if millennials are to bend the curve on ever increasing cost of healthcare


Community free healthcheck days


Benchmarks Maryland's Women4Empowerment model - about twice a year, a mall of doctors office is staffed by diaspora doctors and friends form john hopkins- over 3000 families come for free healthchecks



Poland's Grand Orchestra for Christmas

Royals vote for next 100 million nurses to save 21st C planet 




 Key learning - involve whole nation's diary in celebrating development of accessible healthcare starting with specialities children and mothers need .In Poland, The Great Orchestra of Xmas starts Poland's new year fundaraising. It targets one pediatric speciality for the country's national health service a year. While door to door collections are networked at year end, a summer pop festival is organsied for all who connect the most health service goodwill or funds. At the 2013 summit of Nobel Peace laureates 0 1 2   Y1 Y2 in Warsaw presided over by Lech Walesa and co-organised by Gorbachev, the summit's leading social activism prize was awarded to Jerzy Owsiak,the founder of  the Great Orchestta of Christmas




Ghdonline the virtual information exchange i have seen- connects boston leading knowledge with rest of world; 




Out of India: the story of Babai Sathe who transformed from being an untouchable illiterate into childhood  into a trusted village doctor of maternal and infant health also mirrors the health service that BRAC built from 1972 , which was soon to be linked into building education, banking and agricultural markets so that the poorest village families in the world could network to end poverty. http://www.jamkhed.org/










BRAC Informal village primary



Make blist


Schooling systems built from independence of a developing country are critical to inter-generational sustainability


BRAC is a benchmark for informal primary school system that joyfully values students and parents. Note Sir Fazle Abed was selected as WISE's inaugural laureate of education, and this led WISE networks to a year's search/report for job creating education models.. BRAC's schools today are the educational network Gandhi and Montessori would recognise as closest to their vocational vision for village schooling. Sir Fazle Abed notes that in BRAC's early days, his search for training suitable for illiterate adults led him to Paulo Freire's action learning approach. That breakthrough of educational mindset made it natural  that BRAC would evolve a montessori type model once it needed a solution that could replicated as a 40000 village schooling network,


How did this development happen to be trusted to BRAC? When Bangladesh was born, the government didn't have enough resources -let alone relationships with teachers - to do schools in villages. So BRAC prioritised introduced bottom-up primary schooling - the third of its first 3 villagers grassroots networking services- which started with bottom-up disaster relief and scaling of bottom-up para-health workers (see oral rehydration microfranchise 100).


Biggest and most colab ngo see fazleabed.com


City Montessori -world largest school and only unesco peace winner


Intriguingly India's continuation of nearly 90 year of Gandhi-Montessori knowhow is now stewarded by City Montessori school in Lucknow.; 50000 students a year keep this alive and ahead of any cross-cultural and peacemaking curriculum. This education treasure has been curated by one family- father, mother , two daughters and a son. Their education was so valued by Hindhi and Muslim parents alike that more and more of the city's schooling system is sustained by their public service. CMS has an UNESCO award not just for its peacemaking curriculum but its children practising this to save Lucknow from riots in 1990s. Various miraculous social-economical innovations out of CMS as a student-friendly teaching lab which hosts international exchanges and collaborative student competitions through the year .CMS has also been the most active participant in former India President Kalam's 2020 visionary search for missing curricula of India's future  Latest gamechanger  finding that almost any illiterate adult can be helped to read a  newspaper within a month. -brain is like a muscle-practice


Missing Curriculum: Financial Literacy


 One of the most interesting missing curricula of primary is financial literacy. The benchmark primary curriculum for this Aflatoun was developed out of an Indian orphanage. One of its most massive national scaling partners is BRAC in Bangladesh... An example of a financial literacy adult network is Australia's 10000thousand girl






How to network


Eg vertes - 12 grades of email- maximise time spent at edge of own unique experiential competence


Bridge Primary Kenya- fastest growing independent primary system in world




Secondary scholarships


The microcredit culture Bangladesh village mothers signed up to was while we try to move ourselves beyond the poverty line, move our children way beyond it by breaking generations of illiteracy. The bridge beyond the literacy goals of primary is actioned in secondary scholarships - an innovation of grameeen bank members. This is how Grameen Bank has emerged as an example of girl power investment banking and education as well as poorest village mothers banking. Grameen relationships with its 8 million mothers also connect with which of their girls are most capable to change the world through eg nearly free nursing college and which of their sons will be the greatest job creating entrepreneurs


Missing Curriclum - finding self among those with an abused childhood




Open space


Einstein collaboration missing from our system design


Missing curriculum - value chain transformation and social movements- microfranchies




Greatest jobs creating curriculum from age 8 ups


Starting as free university of entrepreneurs in 1999, south africa partners of taddy blecher (including brtamson and gogle) are redesigning whole curricula for 14 million choldern from age 8 up; and apprenticeship structires. Goal 1 million extra jobs by 2020 and life long elarning for small business owners; and maharishi belief in self


IHUB kenya

Media Lab MIT


5 economis- most potential direct youth win-win


rwanda conference


IHUB is Both natural partner for connecting beyond southa frica; and open tech space for entrepreneurs that schools and universities alone could not provide.Meanehile ofr open tech wizards with leading nation resources- MIT media lab is benchmark




Mit every lab ist own entrepreneurial competition centre as wellas interdisciplianry ones of poverty and milennaisl edges eg dlab  d mit100k


Media lab and square mile of industries of te future and berners lee and open every source thing- greatest jobs creating alumni and parner netwwirk of an western university


Khan Academy




Open Learning campus -world bank with coursera


Accelerating the hint for all the microeconomic curricula opposite to macroeconomics; social mba and other ways of transforming value chains in line with jim kim transcript


Yazmi- satellite freeing edu for all




BRAC University
















Crop science


Borlaug, brac, nippon institute




Grammen intel - rice cambodia, and india's nabard




Mung bean - see innovations note updated with gramweb




Bless value exchanges




BRAC value chains




Revisit polak value chains




Us student food security models and coops




US aquaponics students




Social forrestry with branson




Nutrition forst non bank businees - carotts; first global social business with danone yoguty and in china yin product




Foz 100000 curriculum clean water, clean agri




Jamie olivers - why not a slow food nutrition franchise with youth. dc kitchen; ramsey with prisoners












Banking in the days of its a wonderful life




Grameen bank model 1976-1983-1996


B02 B03 EB2


BRAC bank model series 1 and 2 and 3







Shorebank community regeneration model 1975-2000

Adie banking model


Asian coop microfinance banking




Grameen bank model 1976-1983-1996








Global Banks with value


AB1  (EB1)





Jamii Bora Bank model


Mpesa banking model

Pro Mufer banking





KIva, KIva Zip and Puddle Bank Models

China's creditease








MIcrofranchise investment banking when banking was the core channel








Microfranchise investment banking when telecoms or open tech were the core channel



IHUB and ushahidi







Microfranchsie investment banking when education is the main entrepreneur alumni network

MIT case

Free University pay it forward




Microfranchise investment babking - convergence of all pro-youth leapfrogging




How can twin citizen groups help masively redisgb aid as a source of microfranchsie banking - the experiment in washington  and atlanta





Other forms of patient/sustainability caoital

Where the model graviates which microfranchsies are invested in - see trillion dolar audit


excess to


WE1 100 million nursing jobs

WE2 100 million jobs resulting from first time electricity and green

WE3 100 million jobs from bottom up multinational designs

WE4 100 million open education jobs

WE5 100 million asian jobs markets-makers jobs

WE6 100 million other hemisphere jobs market-makers jobs

WE7 100 million peace and jobs turning disaster into development

WE8 100 million telecentre and dig-banking community jobs 


Jobs worth living with

WE9 100 million fashion jobs

WE10 100 million other jobs made safe and livable with for first time

postings continue at bookmark below  see also fazleabed.com charts' egrameen.com and  paper to zasheem


Youth Creative Lab is an idea inspired by Dr Yunus and 10000 Youth Ambassadors starting from his 69th birthday party in Dhaka in June 2009. Opposite to the trillion dollars a year spent by ad agencies to hollow out local jobs replication, it provides space for youth to celebrate 1000 most exciting jobs concepts- many of which need to customse multi-win Private Public Mobile partnership models to scale. NB identifying journalists and media experts passionate about jobs responsibility is opposite process to most PR lobbies and much NGO fund-raising. Also SWOT the difference if the net generation succeeds in designing internet as smartest open education media for sustaining millions of global villages and not an adjunct to the ways that tv advertising dumbed down and added to poverty by exponentially increasing costs to middle men. While Dr Yunus has been trying to embed YCL in the last 3 Nobel peace laureate summits (Warsaw 2013, Cape Town 2014, Atlanta 2015, a problem is that many of the regional elders no longer have health to ensure knowhow survives them - note Mandela's passing, Gorbachev has was not well enough to lead his east Europe conference. Nonetheless time has come for youth to map how peaceful societies through time exponentially generate strong economies not ice versa. Yunus also invites youth to viralise impossible become possible postcards to the future- see typical design case: free nursing college.



Y1 grameen bank 60 circles

Y1.1 circles and vegetable gardens

Y1.2 and pit latrines

Y1.3 women owned property huts

Y1.4 secondary scholarships

Y1a adie

Y1b KIva and zip and youth loans  -dito babyloan, china

Y1c1 puddle

Y1d microlanfoundation

Y1e jamii bora -leads to kena best for banking reulation and ebank liftoff


y2.0 community banking owned by poorest vilage mothers bridges with investment banking for millennials goals

Y2 grameenphone and phone ladies

y2a leads to partners with most and least -eg grameen intel, danone - inward investors in child nutrition

y2b scalable a billion project turns our tp be energy (who did banking mpsea and bkash, telec-eductaion , markets for jobs ma, shared odea of free nursing college; 20 bottom up multinationals polak; w4e' brac' samara

y3 twin city olympics and 7 wonders

various uostar models - and see edu conytribution to top 10 areas

y3 monthly banker for job creation




1.0 mobile and satellite owners mediate economics for good of every human livelihood- and change dynamics of superstar value chains

The Economist's 1984 why not alternative scenario  to Orwell's Big Brother endgame

1.01 samara launches free satellite frequencies - for continents of africa and of asia

1.02 mobile partners of nanocredit>w4e

1.03hi-trust leadership searches of  africa24 and ibrahim- see also african  millenials eg ilab

1.04 leaders of society generates strong economy not vice versa - bula;s attempts- water security foz curriculum with catholic church; red eye world social and economic forum trading clusters like brics

1.05 jack ma and skoll

1.06 Paul Polak designs of bottom up multinationals - and other trilliondollaraudit models that go way above zero-sum gogernance

1.07 f4d and sing for hope and thegreenchildren -involving first ladies (eg fashions) and superstars (eg practice communities their skills of universityofstars can empower) in responsibility of bottom-up valuation

1.08 ted turner family billion dollar un accessibility - heroes features at cnn

1.09 yunus at epicentre of 1000 most valuable ideas opposite to trillion dollars spent on - 10 biggest dreams/gamechanging compasses of youth - yunus top 10 miellenial investment dreas

1.10 Dream 1 : twin youth capitals jobs olympics - first benchmark atlanta nov 2015 L turner communications family with trust gravitas of carter, luther king family, nobel peace laureaes: yunus twin youth capital  olympics one of yunus  free millennials' goals and invest in their collaboration solutions


jeffrey ashe and Kyla Neilan


Apparently the major savings groups networks care. plan international, freedom from hunger, aga khan, catholic relief, oxfam america have set goal by 2020 of 50 million poorest in savings groups by 2020




fom w4e

1996 Birth of Grameen Phone @ The most social networks on the planet?

Y1 Pre-1996, the only communications space Grameen village mothers enjoyed was a small hut - one for every 60 village mothers. Today across a network of over 100000 village huts,  Grameen mothers have built markets that sustain over 7,5 million members jobs - all from the initial idea of swapping produce and animating a village farmers market, shared knowhow especially on health, education geared to actioning the 16 promises they made to the community and their children, transacted financial records of savings and loans.  These spaces were the most social ever designed because of the collaboration challenges women in villages faced due to absence of telecommunications, electricity, running water, sanitation, roads etc. This is why the funding by George Soros (GS1) of mobile phones in villages in 1996, with help from MIT media entrepreneurs and Norwegian telecoms,   directed by Muhammad Yunus to linkin every community around one telephone lady and then to install village labs around technology partners was the most social and economic intervention humans of the new millennium could dream of. By 2005 the French milk-marketing global brand Danone formed the first global social business partnership with Yunus and at his 2006 Nobel Laureate acceptance speech he surprised the world for promising to have a more microeconomic impact with social business leadership networking than even banking for the poor (see Grameen Microcredit)


(AFM see also blecher series)

AFM1 Samara

Unlike the $100 laptop as the first product launch of the MIT media lab, Noah Samara pioneered the early 1990s launch of an African satellite with a continent-wide frequency reserved for life critical information in parallel with 2 other worldspace satellites for Asia and America. He experimented with satellite radio which turned out to be unsustainable as a life-changing information network for Africans but a highly portable medium in USA. Nearly 20 years later his company yazmi.com is converging all resources on satellite empowered learning ( expected tablet price $50  for built in satellite use and access to all the world's most job creating open edu )

AFM2 Jamii Bora

AFM3 IHUB/Ushahidi


AFM5 Nanocredit

AFM6 USADBC - diaspora association bencmarking african food security value chains


BOM1 berners lee

BOM2 mit every students an entrepreneur

BOM21 MIT100k

BOM3 mit media lab -open source wizard entrepreneurs and new commons

BOM30 Negroponte $100 Laptop

BOM31 Joi Ito

BOM32 reclaim our learning

BOM4 MIT open education movement


BOM5 Legatum

BO51 Legatum millennials and fans

BOM52 networks of cashless banking technolgists

BOM53 innovations journal

BOM6 partners in health/brigham womens hospital

BOM61 value chain networks club inspired by pih and world bank millenials

BOM62 ypchronic


BOM64 Haiti training hospital - connector of neraly free nursing college


BOSF1 Kiva and puddle

BOSF2 Khan Academy

BOSF3 Coursera segment interested in Open Learning Campus



GS1 Soros Family

GS10 Open society started with gorbachel

GS11 Open Society Lauretates and Centre European University Budapest

GS12 Ineteconomics

GS13 Ineteconomics and missing ground-up curriculum of economics at Open Learning Campuses


(APM see also K-serie and w4eseries)

APM1 womens university (chittagong)

APM2 millennials exchanges - Akira Foundation

APM3 - Ma vision of internet out of china -renumbered



W4E1 women4empowerment.org. This is led by Naila Chowdhury who was the first female director of Grameen Phone (Y10) whose experiments in mobilising poorest village mothers started in Bangladesh in 1996. After 15 years work with Dr Yunus in the villages, she came to Washington DC to spread the good news of all the most extremely valuable solution networks mobile can empower women to entrepreneur. These include telecentres for acid victims, and seeing that Africa's nanocredit (AM3)  networks are translated across the 4 hemispheres of women empowerment. W4E linksin to New York's first ladies summit Fashion4Development (W4E2) which is deigned to transform responsibility of the global fashion/garment sector. Annual celebrations include superstars and media editors who wish to live as ambassadors for womens' or childrens' rights to job create.  Out of New York, the best news for the net generation now revolves round the question: what post 2015 subnetworks of the UN can empower the deepest investments in millennials' goals and open sourcing of microfranchise solutions. Help W4E and F4D map the emergence of wonderful Twin Sister networks. Examples range from the human eg Girl-Up (W4E31),  to the hi-tech eg the ITU (W4E41) currently led by a renowned technologist from Mali, Hamadoun Toure.

W4E11 Acid Victims Telecentres

W4E12 Jewelry for Responsibility


W4E2 Fashion4development.com leads worldwide womens partnerships in changing value chain of fashions and superstars and first lady opinion leadership. Specifically it connects the fashionable purposes and celebration integrities of nations' first ladies with ensuring that hard-working garment workers have good livelihoods. Keynes would be proud of those first ladies who mediate an end to all the illwill caused by those who externalise market risks. Acting as the most informed customers, first ladies and fashion models are best placed to demand that the world's most famous haute couture designers want their global reputations to be judged by how much they collaborate in ensuring that all garment workers around the world have safe livelihoods networked round the freedom to prosper from hard work and the joy of being respected as a maker of goods.

W4E21 The League of Gentlemen


W4E3 YN4U Does the future capitalism of New York need to be about walled streets and maddening avenues, or could Nations be United for 7 billion of you and us? Yes WE Can unite the human race to poverty museums #2030now (K1) - provided we enjoy how post-2015 millennials' goals and womens empowerment can just do it (see Nike Foundation's Girl Effect W4E32).

F4D's high visibility increases through an annual summit during UN's opening week of year, and through continuous action and knowhow networking. With W4E, first ladies can also face up with what philanthropy billion owners of mobile can empower. Parallel NY circles invited to join W4E in changing roles of superstars include SingforHope of Monica Yunus (W4E33) and The Global Poverty project (K2)- one of millennials popular social movement of #2030now  that the World Bank's Jim Kim has become joyfully cool for linking in with after his first experience of Gangnam Style - a show he first helped produce while President of Dartmouth college, and which rumor has it he has been training the other coolest Korean on the planet - Ban Ki-moon to linkinto millennials with (see the selfie concluding this world bank and UN presentation) http://live.worldbank.org/millennials-endpoverty-2030


W4E31 GirlUp.org  For anyone concerned with either sustainability fo the planet or the responsibility of media, the most depressing consequence of the west's second half of the 20th C was how three halves of the world's population - women, youth, poorest - were exponentially excluded from designing the future. The legacy of The Ted Turner (eg GS2 UNFoundation) family seeks to chnage that. Their generosity has just completed the final installment of its billion dollars millennials restructuring of the UN's future impact (W4E3). Help build the legacy of CNN's founding family by co-creating the most important news on the future of women through bring the bottom-up network GirlUp.org to a place or space that you can help generate.

W4E32 Nike Foundation Girl Effect

W4E33 SingforHope

W4E34 The Hunger Project

W4E35 10ThousandGirl

W4E36 1millionwomen.com.au


W4E4 Better World Wireless out of san francisco has become W4E's first mobilising partner of nanocredit (AFM5) in the americas- where hispanic women are currently the prioritised empowerment populace. It has talked partners into giving poorest access to a million handsets matched by its nearly free air time offer geared to extreme microentrepreneur womens networks and apps.





BRAC1 Schooling systems built from independence of a developing country are critical to future success

 BRAC is a benchmark for informal primary school system that joyfully values students and parents. Note Sir Fazle Abed was selected as WISE's inaugural laureates of education. BRAC's schools today are the educational network Gandhi and Montessori would recognise as closest to their vocational vision for village schooling. How did this happen? When Bangladesh was born, the government didnt have enough resources -let alone relationships with teachers - to do schools in villages. So BRAC invented bottom-up primary schooling - the third of its first 3 villagers grassroots services- which started with bottom-up disaster relief and bottom-up para-health workers (see oral rehydration 100).



Curriculum that BRAC has helped innovate at primary. Specific:

financial literacy with aflatoun

general- celebrated as wise's number 1 benchmark of job creating education and cross-cultural joy


BRAC12 literacy/empowerment - modules based on Paulo Freire - cf 20th open spciety laureate (GS11)



BRAC University opportunity to map back job creating solutions to vilages- one term spent on a filed project; partner teachers link in with millennials groups;


BRAC14 If I could choose one person to mooc ( 9 minute OLA microfranchise) missing curricula with it would be sir fazle abed. This is partly because his view of aid has always been - do (or help elarn) what the funder specifies; always embed more understranding in the community than the funder asked for. This is almost the opposite to agents of USAID. Intro to brac tour:


BRAC15- any replicable franchise- 9 minute ola catalogue - 30000 sustainability generation catalogue Norman Macrae 1984


BRAC16 - sustainable community hi-trust traid : educator, banker(including bottom up professional and knowledge of any microfranchise the bank lends position to), health servant


BRAC17 call for microeducationsummit- who could be other 10 most open education heroes if this became milennails favorite annual summits to collaborate around heroic goals


BRAC18 - girl power teenager jobs and apprenticeship networks - lend around the world; peer to eer elearning of what job will involve to be income generating


BRAC 19 module on bottom up value chain redesign - connection with wo0rld bank kim missing innovatuons of defining social movements of netge


BRAC 20 onwards - look how to classify brac in line with 2013 report - health, crop science, value chain redesign




Ga1 Intriguingly India's continuation of nearly 90 year of Gandhi-Montessori knowhow is now stewarded by city montessori school in lucknow.; 50000 students a year keep this alive and ahead of any cross-cultural and peacemaking curriculum. This education treasure has been curated by one family- father, mother , two daughters and a son. Their education was so value by Hindhi and Muslim parents alike that more and more of the city's schooling system is sustained by their public service. There are also miraculously economical innovations out of this student-directed teaching lab. The latest is the finding that almost any illiterate adult can be helped to read a  newspaper within a month. 

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survey 1of child centric education

My dream: everyone experiences Harrison Owen OpenSpace After%20the%20Rage.pdf

IF SCHOOLS were child centric they would make age relevant interventions:

if anyone is illiterate at age 6 it only takes 90 days to change that - best of all a literate kid can be main helper in 20 minute session - see sunita gandhi

finacial literacy would be practicsed from age 8 - see aflatoun ( works in 100 countries

from age 10 pre-teens would have access to pfysical and mental health studies designed peer to peer -see Lancet

no kid would leave primary school without knowing how open space meetings/teamwork is facilitated

teachers would be celebrated for clarifying which skills involve experiential learning not classroom examination - while there is some recognition that music and sports involve practice, its shocking that coding isnt valued this way ..


Do you have life-changing moment to share? - what was it and what did you think or do differently after it?

example until 9/11, i assumed that (good) futures are happening somewhere in the world and would be searched out so that all could communally replicate them;  === 9/11 caused me to question whether global connectivity will give us time to find sustainable solutions for our kids- i became particulaly interested in places where good education leaps appeared but did not get app'd the world over - one example actually goes back to my favorite 1990s advances in schools that a small cliuster of new zealand schools pioneered - download it here https://oiipdf.com/download/the-learning-revolution

i welcome discussion of this book's parts at any time rsvp chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you have a solution every community that develops youth could be cooperational

in 1984our book with economist editors 2025report made the case for 40 year commitment to every child identifying own skils dashboard and maximising AI curation of this- we valued this as sustainability critical worldwide cooperation - we see no logic for changing this concern

== we live in an age where most up to half of knowhow of techforgood changes every 3 years - we needed mindsets for exploration not for being standard examined; a nation that makes its college students its largest debt class is likely to collapse economically socially environmentally if web3 is designed for celebrating sustainability cooperation; and if web3 is not designed for neough yout to linkin the first sustainability generation then we are all heading the way of the dodo

I am learn to learn


TECH - What is IT? and which exponential multipliers most impact human and natural futures?

AI   >. silicon chip singularity (ie when one chip > one brain in pure analytical capacity) - science fictiion no moore

who programs the ai - the race to include lost voices eg girls- the world of statistics re=-examined like never before (eg previously mass statistics very weak at coding meaining from numbers)

Biotech  >> Affective science (loveq and emotional intelligence remains human's unique edge over artificials for at least 10 more years!)

Some people say that Virtual or Augmented Reality has advanced at its best so far in last 12 months that there are hardly any qualified teachers only pioneering explorers- does this matter - well its VR which is your gateway to web3 - intead of just a mobile device you will like wear  a visual sensor system; equally others argue that you shouldnt worry about how fast you put googles on - what you should want is to take back ownbership of what you spend time creating virually- look at the small print of the big platforms you probably dont own anything without them..maybe this is a generation issue bu interstingly the met-generation can now work on chnaging anything that old systems are destroying (eg climate) ...t 

 IOT which things will now have brains and be as mobile connected as you are

Crypto - can communities celebrate financiang their own most urgent sustainability cooperations? if they dont who wil?

Cyber >> Drone - opportunities and threats of public spaces- first in spaces like the arctic circle if we dont use drones we will get no warning before the big meltdown

-the mkist memorable western campus event i attended in 2010s was tufts colllaboratory summit convened mainly by arctic circle youth under 25; 

one of the main debates how to help teachers in arctic circle schools empower their students to use virtual reality to visit other arctic circles schools communities; many of the changes and solutions are analogous; I am reminded by educators leading the compilation of virtual realty libraries of the DICE acronym - a reen might want to do something dangerous like climb everest, why not VR simulate that? there are impossible things a trainee doctor will never be able to travel inside a humans gut but that can be VR'd; there are catastropghic simulations - you would rid the world of bees just to test if donald is wrong about nature being more powerful than he is, you can simulate it; or the future of smart tourism may be curation of what a community is proudest of being visited for - this way ecotourism, cultural appreciation exchanges can be twinned to maximise celebration of each other- and by the way friends of the tourist can join in virtually- of corse this raises a metaverse question - that Hong Kong is leading the world on

being 100% public - good and bad hacs- note context matters - context 1 smart city context 2 isolated vilalge no moore context 3 make a huge land safe at borders

3D printing aka additive engineering

Big Data Small by market tech sector Leapfrogging

Nano cf einstein - to innovate science model more micro


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